Home Diet and Fitness 4 Amazing Foods, ALL Of Them Increase Longevity and Make YOU Healthier

4 Amazing Foods, ALL Of Them Increase Longevity and Make YOU Healthier


Wanna feel better? Wanna get healthier? Wanna help yourself out both mentally and physical? Well then, you’ve definitely come to the right place, because today we’ll be counting down the top 4 foods that increase longevity and therefore, make you an overall more healthy human being. The way that these particular foods accomplish is because they are rich in so many vitamins, minerals and other healthy helpers. It is in this way that they increase longevity and keep your body function at it’s peak performance level.

And now, without further dilly-dallying, here’s the list you’ve all been waiting for.

Aloe Vera

Ahh… Aloe vera… How amazing you are… Why is aloe vera so great though? Well, here’s why, aloe vera contains an abundance of minerals, vitamin, amino acids and a bunch of active plant compounds… These active plant compounds are known as phytonutrients which are extremely valuable for a high functioning human body. Not only that but aloe vera also possesses antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. All of which help keep your body up and running at it’s very best.

A number of benefits of aloe vera have been uncovered. Aloe vera helps ease inflammation and arthritic pain. It helps heal ulcers and other digestive disorders. It can destroy candida, parasites and other unwanted microorganisms. It reduces the risk, occurrence and frequency of heart attacks and strokes. It also helps inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen… Now this is yet another awesome food, not to mention how pretty it is. It also contains tons of minerals, amino acids, B-vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. Not only that but it’s a rich source of an extremely beneficial something called carotenoid, as well as having lots of beneficial enzymes.

Needless to say, bee pollen is super helpful to your body, not just in ordinary, everyday life, but also has been shown to be effective not only cancer, but also diabetes, arthritis and depression. What’s more is that it enhances, not only your stamina, but also your endurance, your concentration and your memory. It even increases overall fertility in women. All the benefits band together to form huge, strong, vast wall of health. Keeping you healthier for longer periods of time, seeing as it also helps ward off disease and sicknesses that could hurt your health in the future


Goji Berries

Goji berries, these little, tiny red fruits contain an abundance of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin Bs, vitamin C and vitamin E. They also are an excellent source of antioxidants and amino acids, which help to detox your body and free it from all those toxins, chemicals and rust (oxidation) in your body.




Coconut, whether it’s the coconut water, coconut meat or coconut oil, it contains tons and tons of super healthy fatty acids, B-vitamins and minerals. They improve the function of the immune system, the function of the lever and acid reflux. Coconuts also help to kill of bad microorganisms, as well as fighting things like diabetes and cancer.