Home Diet and Fitness 4 Awesome Foods That Help You BURN Fat (Hint: They’re All Fruit)

4 Awesome Foods That Help You BURN Fat (Hint: They’re All Fruit)

4 Awesome Foods That Help You BURN Fat (Hint: They're All Fruit)

4 Awesome Foods That Help You BURN Fat (Hint: They're All Fruit)

Let’s be honest, most of us wouldn’t say no to losing a few extra pounds, most of us would like to get rid of the little extra bit of flab on our tummy… Well, what if I told you that, while it’s not a huge amount, these fruits that you see below can help you lose that extra weight, either by subbing them in for other, less healthy, higher calorie foods or by eating with a steady diet of exercise to go along with it. No matter WHAT you’re looking to do weight-loss-wise, the fruits are definitely here to help

Let’s begin, shall we?

1 Apples

Show me a person who’s never eaten an apple and I’ll show you… Well, no one I know… Because seriously, with apples immense popularity and their immense health benefits, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t eaten one. But what are those health benefits that I’m talking about? Well, since I only have so much space and time (and we’re focusing on the weight-loss side of things) I’ll start off with it’s HIGH amount of fiber and it’s LOW amount of calories, while still being filling, all of these things put together pack quite a punch for losing weight and burning off excess fat. Not only that but it’s rich in antioxidants, minerals, Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

2. Pears

A single pear packs a whopping total of 15% of your total recommended daily amount of fiber, taking care of a big chunk in one fell swoop. One study even showed that women ate 2-3 pears each day actually lost more weight than those who did not, sounds like a pretty good deal if I do say so myself.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries help you lose weight in more ways than one, the first one is making your body promote the production of hormones like leptin and adiponectin, they also contain high amounts of fiber Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and fiber, all of which promote weight loss and overall body health, what’s more is that those hormones that I mentioned earlier? Yeah, those both are hormones that specifically BURN FAT and boost your metabolism, which then allows your even more excess fat, in a smaller period of time. Pretty great, huh? One last thing though, strawberries are delicious, no really, they’re honestly one of my favorite fruits of all time and the same can be said for many others, because of they’re great taste and many, many health benefits, strawberries should definitely be considered by anyone looking to lose a bit of excess weight.

4. Kiwi

Alright… My choice for #4 on this list was between kiwi and grapefruit, while grapefruit is still a super-solid pick for this list, I didn’t pick it because… No one LIKES eating grapefruit (and no putting 72 pounds of sugar on it doesn’t count) Alright, maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement, but still, while I’m sure that there are SOME people who like the taste of plain grapefruit (they seem to be very far and between, seeing as I’ve never met someone who does) there are just WAY MORE people who like the taste of the kiwi, it’s a little green fruit, which has become better known in recent years for it’s lovely tropical flavor and immense health benefits, especially when it comes to weight loss, seeing as the little tiny black seeds in the fruit have a fair amount of insoluble fiber, which helps promote digestion. ALSO, one kiwi has just 42 calories and a miniscule 0.4 grams of fat.