Home Cancer 4 AWESOME Juicing Recipes And Their Many Health Benefits

4 AWESOME Juicing Recipes And Their Many Health Benefits


What’s a better way to start your day than with drinking a delicious, healthful, glass of fresh juice right out of the fridge? Within moments of drinking it, you can feel 100% refreshed. Yummm…

Also, with lots of fruits and vegetables readily available, you can make up your recipe, depending on what you want for the betterment of your health.

Although you may not make it delicious with your first try, it is a much better choice for your health. Preparing home-made natural juices is exciting and fun too.

There are lots of juice recipes out there that you can make on your own. These recipes can make your skin smoother and healthier, suppress aging, provide relief from stress and provide hydration. Some can help you to lose weight too. Depending upon your requirements, you can pick any recipe and make it with ease.

1. For healthier and smoother skin

By blending fruits with raw vegetables using a good blender, a glassful of yummy juice can help to remove waste from your blood and tissues to restore alkalinity and balance to your system; resulting in younger looking skin and more energy.

Consisting of more than 90% water, cucumbers are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and silica, minerals which are believed to improve skin complexion and make you look younger.


Apple, Cucumber

2. To suppress aging

As time goes on, getting older is a fact of life. It’s an entirely irreversible process. Consequently, many people find it a demanding task to maintain physical fitness and appearance and a struggle to hide wrinkles, saggy skin and age spots which continue to accumulate with time. In response, you can drink beetroot juices to fight aging.

Mix all ingredients in the correct measure into the juicer and enjoy this flavorsome drink.


Beetroot, Lettuce, Ginger, Lemon, Fuji apple

3. To improve your immune system

Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in plants and tomatoes, which contain high concentrations of vitamin C. These can be mixed to form a yummy, anti-oxidant boosting glass alongside your dinner. It is one of the easiest to make immune system boosting recipes, you find.

Vitamin C helps in the formation of proteins in the skin which act as a barrier, preventing the entry of disease-causing pathogens inside the body whereas vitamin A helps to ward off infection, thereby improving your immune system.


Tomato, Peeled Orange, Apple, Carrot

4. To improve your digestion

Eating too much fatty food, eating too quickly, overeating, and lying down directly after eating are some of the most common causes of indigestion. You can make some natural juice at home to reduce the problem of indigestion.

The combination of pear, celery, and ginger paste makes an effective combination for the detoxification of your digestive track. You can add these ingredients into the mixer alongside some water to try on your own.


Pear, Celery, Ginger