Home Diet and Fitness 5 Reasons Why You… Should Be Eating More Blackberries

5 Reasons Why You… Should Be Eating More Blackberries

5 Reasons Why You... Should Be Eating More Blackberries

They might not be as well known, or eaten as often as strawberries or blueberries, but if you want amazing health benefits along with great taste…

Then you should consider a lot more blackberries….

Trust me, you’ll love them…


Without further ado, here are the top 5 reasons to be eating more blackberries…


Makes You Pretty
You can find something called ellagic acid in blackberries, it’s been found that it keeps the skin tighter and younger looking!

It also helps take good care the skin by being rich in Vitamins A, C and E, all of which can help keep your complexion radiant. Ellagic acid has also been found to help reduce skin cell damage due to exposure to tobacco smoke or pollutants in the air.

Fight Cancer and Diabetes
Ellagic acid, which we mentioned earlier has also been shown to fight cancer…

Seeing as in multiple laboratory studies it improved overall immunity in the body by helping to get rid of many toxins in the body.

As for diabetes, blackberries contain pectin, a substance that helps keep diabetes in check…

Blackberries = YUM…
If you’re at all interested in taking advantage of the many health benefits that blackberries have to offer, there are many ways to fit this versatile food into our diet. Toss them into a salad, mix it in with your yogurt or cereal in the morning or indulge yourself with a blackberry crumble or crisp. Blackberries make a great addition to smoothies and other blended drink and blackberry lemonade is fantastic on a warm summer’s day. You could also have it as a tea or make it into a sorbet. The possibilities are endless.

However way you include it into your diet, though, one thing is for certain. You will be treating your body to the vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals it needs to keep you feeling and looking your best…


Hormonal Balance
All berries contain phytochemicals like flavonoids, tannins and phytoestrogens, but they happen to be particularly concentrated in blackberries. Phytoestrogens acts a natural form of estrogen and these can help balance the hormones, particularly for women who are dealing with the hormonal fluctuations of menopause.

Great For A Diet
Blackberries are rich in compounds that stimulate the metabolism and encourage natural weight loss, and in addition to this they are very hydrating, containing about 85% water. A one-cup serving of these berries contains only 62 calories and also give you about one-third of the fiber you will need every day: fiber is also a great aid to weight loss, as it improves the digestion and also makes you feel fuller for longer. The sweetness of the berries will also help you get your sugar fix in a healthy, natural way.