Home Diet and Fitness 5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Steaming Mug Of… Hot Water?

5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Steaming Mug Of… Hot Water?

5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Steaming Mug Of... Hot Water?

You gotta stay hydrated, we all know that…

What do you stay hydrated with though? Water, DUH…

BUT, what if their are more health benefits to drinking water than just keeping yourself hydrated?

Guess what… THERE IS.

Hot water has a ridiculous amount of health benefits, that VERY FEW people know about, here are just SOME of the MANY reasons why you should be drinking more of it on a daily basis.


  • Coffee, Tea and Other Hot Drinks Just Got A Whole Lot Healthier. 😉

It doesn’t have to be just straight hot water, it totally counts if you have a mug of coffee, tea, or any other beverage where on of the primary ingredients is hot water…

But you wanna know WHY… Why does it help me? What does it DO for me?

Well, not only does it act as a jumper cable to your metabolism, but it also helps your body become more adept at burning off it’s own excess fat, all because of the added heat to your system.

The heat takes just a bit of strain of your metabolism, and seeing as your metabolism runs your whole body, you definitely should consider giving it that extra helping hand.

  • Fight A Cold, Allergies, and Other Irritating Sicknesses.

Pretty much everyone has had a cold or a sore throat, or something of nature, and in turn has taken tea to soothe it…

The hot water in the tea relieves nasal congestion, which then helps the sore throat, which then helps the body return to full health and get you back in working condition.

  • Say Goodbye To The Pain (Or At Least Most Of It) Of Menstrual Cramps.

The warm temperature of the water helps relax and sooth your tight stomach and uterine muscles, which helps get rid of the pain…

  • Detoxify Yo’ Self Before You Wreck Yo’ Self. 😉

Most people have been hungover at least once or twice in their life, drinking a hot glass of water or tea the next morning often will result in less pain, less side effects, and in some cases, none at all. The reason is that it helps your body detox and in turn flush out a bunch of those toxins, granted, we are a health website, so we really just recommend not drinking in the first place, and certainly not drinking enough to get drunk, but it’s your choice and your decision. 😉

  • Acne, Be Gone!

Besides the fact that the it cuts down on premature aging, it also has a tendency to stop acne dead in it’s tracks…

Once the body has been detoxified from all that gunk inside of it, your dead skin cells’ pores become smaller, allowing less grime to get into them, thus making your skin look younger and smoother.

No one likes acne, and here’s the (near) perfect solution.

  • It’s an All-Around “Helper-Outer”

It helps the nervous system, it helps your bowel movements, it helps your blood flow, it burns excess fat, it breaks down even intestinal fat and in the process it helps hydrate nearly everything inside of your body.

I would put a WOW GIF in here, but I can’t… 🙂