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Why Do People Fear Cancer?

Why Do People Fear Cancer?


Ty Bollinger: Let’s talk about cancer and the immune system. First of all Dr. Connealy, what is cancer?

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Well cancer, I tell people cancer is an out of control cell. A cell that’s lost its integrity. It’s lost its directions. It’s crazy, it’s erratic, and it’s out of control.

Ty Bollinger: And so what’s dangerous about a cancer cell then? If it’s an out of control cell, why do we fear cancer? What is it about a cancerous cell that we want to—if wetreated it with conventional medicine we would use chemotherapy. Why do we want to destroy a cell that’s out of control?

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: It’s interesting that you say that. That people fear cancer. It’s kind of interesting. I always think, okay there’s lots of chronic illnesses. There’s cancer, there’s heart disease, there’s diabetes, there’s Alzheimer’s. They’re all very, very serious challenges to the body.

But people fear cancer unlike any other illness. If someone has a heart attack, “okay I have a heart attack, I get a stent.” They know they have to make a lifestyle change. They know they have to. I would say most people make that lifestyle change. But people really don’t live in fear of that next heart attack. There are a few people, but they feel like they have the safety net of that stent and they’re going to be okay.

With cancer… cancer, I think everyone’s had a loved one they have seen the devastation of the treatment of cancer. The conventional treatments are surgery, chemo, and radiation. The traditional treatments that we’ve used over the past 50 years which are surgery, chemo, and radiation. They may have worked a little while. But now it’s because of the industrialization of the world we have a lot more challenges to the human mind and body and frame.

From the toxins of the body, to our food supply, our water supply, our air. And so it’s making all diseases and dysfunctions more challenging. I mean, let’s look at autism. Autism was 1 in 20,000 years ago. Now, it’s 1 in 52 children. So obviously some serious things have changed.

Because if we really, really look at the diet. When I was growing up and when you were growing up, okay, don’t tell me you ate perfectly because you just didn’t. I think people have become much more health conscious and aware because now we have just incredible disease. And not just cancer − in every area.

I mean heart disease, cancer, strokes. Everything. Look at MRSA. Infections; staph eating infections. You never heard of that, now it’s common place. “Oh, yeah, I just went to the hospital and had MRSA and got some antibiotics and I think I’m fine, I’m not sure I’m fine.” I’m like what? This is just not right.

But cancer is feared because it is an out of control situation and we do know, we have now lots to control the situation. But all people know from their oncologist is surgery, chemo, and radiation. And there is something called circulating tumor cells and circulating stem cells. That’s a recent discovery. That’s what was responsible for 95% of metastasis.

When people get cancer you want to make sure that those circulating tumor cells and circulating stem cells, which can have a very long life, you want to make sure that those are zero.

Now fortunately we have the capacity to know that number of circulating tumor cells and stem cells. So people will know, “okay, I don’t have cancer. I know for sure because I’m able to do a blood test to know whether I have cancer.”


Also, let’s face it. The typical doctor − oncologist or their other primary care doctor − does not entertain a discussion of lifestyle. An obese guy walks in, the doctor should be telling him that he is full of inflammation. Not full of fat, but full of inflammation and you need to do something because of this, this, this, and this.

Not ignore it. Not just go “okay, well here’s a pill for your blood pressure, and here’s a pill for your cholesterol, and here’s a pill for your back pain, and I’ll see you in a month and we’ll see if you’re maintaining your disease.”

That’s what doctors do. They maintain a person’s illness. They’re not making them better.

What are you doing? That is not okay. You’re supposed to create optimal health in people. That’s your job. Doctor means “to teach.” Why aren’t you teaching your patients how to turn their life around?