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Link Between Eggs And Reducing Stroke Risk

Eggs: Are They Super-Healthy Or Is It A Super-Heart-Disease-Causer

The world’s oldest person Emma Morano has said that the secret of her long life is eggs. A new study suggests that she might be right. This woman eats at least two eggs a day. Her doctor also has acknowledged that she is not following a standard diet and has eaten eggs for a long time. Her diet also doesn’t include a lot of vegetables and very little fruit, but she consumes a lot of eggs and chicken.

In the previous years, nutritionists have linked consumption of eggs to increased cholesterol levels which might lead to increased risk of heart disease. A new study has completely overturned this view. Turn out that there is no association between eggs and coronary heart disease. In fact, eating one egg a day lowers the risk of stroke by 12 percent.

Chicken eggs are the most commonly used. One egg contains 155 calories and around 12 g of protein. Eggs also supply a lot of vitamins, like vitamin A, B12, riboglavin, pantothenic acid, choline, vitamin D and minerals like phosphorus and zinc. Egg yolk contains around 300mg of cholesterol. Chicken eggs are high in Omega-3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for health. The fatty acid levels depend on the food that is used in feeding chickens.

Meta-analysis has been done, reviewing studies between 1982 and 2015 which evaluated the link between egg consumption and coronary heart disease. It included at least 600 000 subjects, from which half had a heart disease, whereas the other half have had stroke.

Still, the researchers know that more studies have to be done in order to understand the connection between eating eggs and having a risk of stroke. It is known that eggs have many positive health benefits. They contain antioxidants, which are important in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress- important elements in the development of atherosclerosis. Eggs are also important source of protein. Consumption of more protein has been linked to lowering blood pressure.