Home Cancer 9 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Chestnuts On A Regular Basis

9 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Chestnuts On A Regular Basis


Chestnuts… The subject of christmas songs and many bacon wrappers… Fresh ones can be found in fall and winter… Processed chestnuts, on the other hand, can be found year-round… Here’s why we think it’s a good idea to be eating them…

9 Awesome Benefits To Consuming Chestnuts

Really. Awesome. Antioxidants…
Chestnuts are a good source of antioxidants, which are required by the body to combat aging of skin and internal organs. Antioxidants prove beneficial since they kill free radicals on the skin and in the body, which would otherwise bind themselves with living cells and weaken tissue.

Water Retention? Regulated!
It has the balancing effects in the body due to the presence of enough amount of potassium and lower amount of sodium thus helps in regulation of water retention.

Stabilizing Your Energy
Chestnuts have a high amount of carbohydrates, containing 76 grams of carbohydrates and only 3 grams of fat. Carbohydrates are important for short-term and long-term energy needs, and help with nervous system function, since the brain loves glucose.

They Prevent Anaemia
Anaemia generally occurs due to iron deficiency. Hence proper intake of iron is mandatory to prevent anaemia. Chestnuts is very effective in reducing the risk of anemia because of the presence of iron and copper in it.

Stronger Bones
Copper is a trace mineral that enhances bone strength, helps with red blood cell formation and nerve function and boosts the immune system.

Help in RBC Formation
Chest nut is a good source of folic acid as it is rich in folates. For the formation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis, folic acid is essential. Consumption of adequate quantity of nuts will provide the folic acid required for the formation of red blood cells.

Reduce Stress & Tension
Chestnuts can aid persons diminish the stress and tension due to the presence of anti-stress qualities. Potassium is present in the chestnuts which assists the human body in controlling and keeping the BP level normal. The health of cardiovascular becomes better by eating the chestnuts on regular basis.

Good For Heart Health
Being full of healthy nutrients, fats and antioxidants, chestnuts provide protection from chronic diseases related to the heart. Due to presence of omega-3 fatty acids, these healthy nuts are effective in reducing triglycerides and lowering bad cholesterol level in the body.