Home Diet and Fitness Use Chlorella To Help Keep Your Kids Healthy And Happy

Use Chlorella To Help Keep Your Kids Healthy And Happy

Use Chlorella To Help Keep Your Kids Healthy And Happy

Being a parent is tough… How can you possibly make sure that your children are getting every bit of nutrition that they need?

Well, when it comes to offering your children nutritional help in a safe, clean, healthy method… Chlorella is what you turn to…

Dr. Mark Drucker, decided to start giving his children chlorella when they were just 8 months old.

As Dr. Drucker cautions, this super green food can’t replace an overall approach to healthy eating.  But with its dense nutritional profile of protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, chlorophyll and nucleic acids, chlorella adds an outstanding nutritional punch to your children’s diet.

It can offset some of the bad . . . and complement all the good. Here are some specific, research-backed  – and somewhat surprising – reasons chlorella should be something you consider giving to your children as well:

Benefit #1: Chlorella Supports Healthy Growth

For a number of reasons, many children don’t get off to a great start at birth. And this sets them up not only for a tough first few years, but a lifetime of battling for their life.

Gaining weight may seem less of an issue in our overweight society.  But for babies and children healthy weight gain is critical. Research demonstrates a strong connection between low birth weight and increased risk in adulthood of developing diseases like hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

Yet chlorella’s exceptional nutrition can reverse this early health deficit as well.

Researchers in Japan gave 22 boys and 18 girls 2 grams of chlorella for 112 days.  Fifteen girls and 22 boys did not take chlorella for comparison’s sake.

When the study ended, the boys who had taken the chlorella had grown twice as rapidly as the boys who didn’t take chlorella – beating them by ½ inch.  They had also gained 2.3 pounds versus the non-chlorella boys’ 1.6 pounds.

The girls experienced no significant difference in height gain. But the girls taking chlorella gained 4.2 pounds while the girls who did not take it gained only 2.7 pounds.

Lest you worry that chlorella will speed your children’s weight gain beyond a healthy level, know this:  Study after study documents that it helps with healthy weight gain, but nothing beyond that. In fact, many chlorella users attest that it cuts down on cravings and between-meal snackin[

Chlorella supports healthy snacking in another important way as well . . .

Benefit #2: Chlorella Can Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Super Healthy

While nothing can substitute for regular brushing and flossing, Chlorella can help transform dreaded dental visits to moments of pride by helping your children keep their teeth healthy and strong.

Chlorella has more of the green plant pigment, chlorophyll, than any other plant. And chlorophyll seems to be a dentists’ best friend . . .

In a study at the Nebraskan orphanage, Boy’s Town, 589 boys took part in a “tooth brushing experiment”. One group of boys used regular toothpaste dyed green with food coloring while the other group brushed with toothpaste spiked with chlorophyll.

The group brushing with chlorophyll had 58-70% improvement in dental health. This contrasts dramatically with the 28% improvement experienced by the non-chlorophyll group.