Home Diet and Fitness 6 Easy Natural Ways To Fight Joint Pain Right Now

6 Easy Natural Ways To Fight Joint Pain Right Now


Many people unfortunately suffer from joint pain, and it can really hurt your everyday life, in more ways than one…

But not only are their plenty of natural ways to help treat joint pain, but there are 7 right here…

Read on…


1. Eat More Bananas
Bananas have surprisingly high levels of tryptophan.

Couple that with all the natural sugars in them, and makes a powerful combo that helps kill joint pain…

2. Eat Your Whole Grains
Any whole food you come across will have a certain amount of amino acids, some more than others…

In order to produce serotonin (a vital chemical when it comes to fighting joint pain) you need a higher percentage of tryptophan.

Adding some healthy carbohydrates to your diet will create a nice balance for how much serotonin is being made in the body.

3. Eat Your Greens
The University of Kuopio in Finland conducted a study with 2,313 men for more than 10 years and they found that leafy greens are good for your brain.  Greens are high in almost all vitamins and minerals but they are particularly high in folate – a B vitamin that has been shown to reduce depression.


4. Avoid Stimulants and Other Junk Food
Stimulants like Chocolate and Coffee do create serotonin for a short time but continued use actually interferes with its production by disrupting your insulin levels.

Ice cream unfortunately is in the same category.  The milk aspect will supply the amino acids and it has the carbohydrates but too much sugar and fats is just a bad combination in the long run. Any of these ‘foods’ taken in small amounts; will not harm you but don’t depend on them for energy or happiness.

5. Eat your Nuts and Seeds  
Most people are low in omega 3 essential fatty acids which have been shown to help increase brain functioning and moods. The brain is after all MOSTY made of fatty acids. A common way to get omega 3’s is with flax seeds and flax oils.  Whole seeds and nuts have the benefit of containing protein and therefore have enough tryptophan to help out. You can learn more about the benefits of almonds, and other seeds and how to sprout them at Nuts & Seeds.


6.  Exercise  
Exercise is good for so many things that it’s not surprising it helps with your mood. Research has linked exercise with higher levels of serotonin but also increased dopamine levels, which causes relaxation, and endorphins which take away the pain. If that sounds like a powerful combination – it is.