Home Diet and Fitness Why You NEED To Be Getting More Magnesium and The 4 Foods...

Why You NEED To Be Getting More Magnesium and The 4 Foods That Do It Best


Magnesium is super important when it comes to keeping your body’s overall level of function at a preferred level. The only problem is that it’s estimated that around 90% of all americans deficient in it. Seeing as it takes care of the whole body and also reduces the risk of heart attacks by a sizeable amount, it’s definitely something that should be taken seriously. So, how do we start getting enough magnesium? Well, first things first, stop eating so junk-food, it rarely has a good amount of magnesium, if any at all. Second thing is, start eating more of the foods listed below, they all have large amounts of magnesium and will help give your body that extra boost that it needs.

1. (Organic) Soybeans

Soybeans have tons of minerals, vitamins, fiber and amino acids. Among those vitamins is magnesium, a whole lot of it… Just a half cup of soybeans takes care of nearly 50% of your recommended daily magnesium intake. They’re also especially helpful and healthy to someone who eats a vegetarian diet, seeing as vegetarians can sometimes struggle to get enough protein, soybeans take care of that, seeing as just a single serving has a whopping 11 grams of protein.

2. Dark green leafy vegetables

Green, leafy vegetables (dark ones are the best) are rich in iron, vitamins and especially, magnesium. The best ways to cook them include steaming, boiling or lightly sautéing them in some olive oil. Our favorite dark, leafy greens are collard greens, swiss chard and kale. Also you can eat fresh, baby leaves in a salad or toss them on a sandwich or a burger or whatever

3. Bananas

Ah bananas… Potassium, magnesium and a whole load of other important vitamins and minerals. Did you know that a single medium-sized banana has over 30 mg of magnesium along. Plus, because of all it’s valuable nutrients and it’s containing of healthy sugars it gives you a nice energy boost, yet it still only has around 100 calories, depending on the size. Even better, they go great with about anything, including smoothies, shakes, cereal, other fruit, yogurt and also by themselves. Seriously guys, bananas are seriously awesome and anyone who wants to be even slightly healthier than they already should be eating them, assuming, of course, that you’re not already.


4. Brazil nuts

The brazil nut, one of my favorite nuts, and I love nuts… It has a ridiculous amount of magnesium (250 mg in one serving, OH. MY. GOD.), considering that the recommended amount of magnesium to be consumed daily is somewhere around 300 mg, give or take a little bit, based on gender and other circumstances such as pregnancy or some dietary condition. We recommend not eat all of them at once, at least not plain, if you do eat them all at once, try putting in or on something, such as a smoothie or yogurt, just grind them up into little pieces and sprinkle them on top or just blend them up with the rest of the ingredients, either way, they’re delicious and very, very nutritious.