Home Diet and Fitness Do You Have Bad Breath? Here’s Why and How To Fix It

Do You Have Bad Breath? Here’s Why and How To Fix It

Do You Have Bad Breath? Here's Why and How To Fix It

Do You Have Bad Breath? Here's Why and How To Fix It

Lots of people have bad breath, it can really stink (pun intended) to have halitosis, mostly because of the smell and discomfort it can cause when your around other people.

Often, people look to dental care for help with their bad breath, while this is all fine and dandy, it’s usually not a long-term solution to your smelly problem, mainly because it doesn’t show you how you got bad breath in the first place, nor how to fix it in the future.

So, without further ado, here are 3 HUGE reasons why you might have bad breath, and how you can stop halitosis from happening.

1. Poor Dental Habits

Well, this one’s just a bit obvious, if your habits with your teeth are bad, chances are it’ll effect your entire mouth as well… This is the case with bad breath, which, if your oral hygiene habits are quite up to snuff, has a much higher likelihood of occurring within the mouth. The reason for this is the fact that food particles linger in your mouth, long after you eat, long after you brush your teeth and long after you them to be long gone. These food particles are then left to decay into bacteria, which wreaks havoc on your mouth, leading to halitosis. The moral of the story is to take better care of your teeth, as well as maybe taking care of them more often.

2. Smoking  

While it’s not something that absolutely everyone does, it’s still a very common practice and besides all the other obvious health drawbacks, it’s especially skilled at causing bad breath, mainly because it causes gum disease, which then triggers halitosis within your mouth. Not only does your smell like tobacco, an already less-than-favorable smell, but it also has extra, nasty bacteria smell as well.

“Smoking and other tobacco products can lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth. More specifically, it appears that smoking interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells. This interference makes smokers more susceptible to infections, such as periodontal disease, and also seems to impair blood flow to the gums, which may affect wound healing.” -WebMD

3. Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth one of the leading causes of bad breath, the technical term for it is Xerostomia. According to a certain medical expert it can actually be treated fairly easily and stress-free. With only the use of some natural remedies.

Dry mouth (Xerostomia) creates an environment in the mouth that is absolutely perfect for bacteria, food particles and other breath baddies to fester and decay within your mouth, thus causing noxious gasses to be released, making your breath smell quite foul and putrid.

Things you can do to fight dry mouth and it’s effects is probably hydration, so, first things first, drink more water… I know this seems obvious, but it helps a great deal, don’t feel scared to bring a water bottle with you wherever you go, especially places like work, where you’ll be gone for a significant period of time.