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A Public Service Cancer Announcement From Ryan D. Luelf: PLEASE READ & SHARE

A Public Service Cancer Announcement From Ryan D. Luelf: PLEASE READ & SHARE


This Is A Public Service Announcement From Ryan D. Luelf

PLEASE READ & SHARE so EVERYONE is aware of these changes going forward as we sincerely want to make a difference ???

Caroline & I are maxed out. We’ve reached our capacity. We can no longer keep up with the amount of people asking us questions, needing our help and simply trying to get in touch with us. We realize we must transition in order to continue helping people which we so desire to do! ❤️????

It’s extremely vital that we “take our own advice” and focus on our health. Between me finishing the journey to NED (No Evidence of Disease), assisting my Dad as he lives with us and heals from brain cancer and ensuring Caroline prevents disease, that has to be our focus. Just that alone & raising our kids is more than enough for us and our schedule currently!

So here is everything we can think of that people want to know on a continual basis ~

• OUR STORY from day 1 to now with lots of specific details, our BLOG >>> https://theyololifeblog.wordpress.com/
? Please Subscribe as we will be writing several between now and the end of the year so everyone can benefit from our journey and we can have a life -:) LOL ?
~ A Few upcoming BLOG posts: ⤵️⏬⬇️
Some of Caroline’s upcoming Blogs:
– Greece Blood Test
– What would I do if I got diagnosed
– Ryan’s Protocol
– Do we recommend clinics
– Why Detoxing is so important for EVERYONE
– Caroline’s prevention protocol
. . . and more ??

• MY VIDEO that went viral & a few others on my YouTube channel >>> https://www.youtube.com/c/RyanCancerFreeLuelf

• GREECE BLOOD TEST and the link to the office of Dr. V out of Atlanta, GA. We used them and had a nurse friend come over and take my blood, link here >>> https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/greece-test/

• CURRENT NATURAL PATH DOCTOR that my Dad and I use weekly for all our infusions in Tulsa, OK. ~ Dr. Michael Taylor of Marion Medical. Please call their office & tell them I referred you as I get $50 off my treatments >>> (918) 749-3797

• MY HEALTH COACH that I highly recommend and has helped me and my family tremendously in the area of REAL FOOD is Steve Factor >>> https://www.pureenergyfactor.com/contact

• THE CLINIC I went to twice & would recommend is Chipsa Hospital, please let them know how you found out about them >>> https://chipsahospital.org

• INFRARED SAUNA and which one did we buy. ~ Sunlighten, we purchased the mPULSE bELIEVE. Please use our affiliate link if you decide to purchase. We are extremely happy with ours >>>

• FOOD HERBS and TEA that we drink daily and eat in our smoothies. Here is our affiliate link if you decide to purchase >>>
~ The 4 products we use are listed below ⬇️⤵️⏬
– Callie Tea
– NUplus
– Alpha 20
– Quinary

• RADIATION PROTECTION as all 5 of us wear necklaces now, we have protection on all of our electronics in our home and including our cell phones, we have protection in our vehicles and we’ve even tested these products with an EMF machine and are very pleased! Here is our affiliate link if you decide to purchase any of the same products >>> https://giawellness.com/healthyhome/
These are some of the products we are using listed on this link below ⤵️⏬⬇️

• HOUSE WATER SYSTEM ~ we bought ours after months of research through Terry Tillaart. ~ Google him and please tell Terry that we referred you ~

• LYMPH MACHINE if anyone is interested in purchasing one as well. Please contact Lisa and tell her you heard about this from Ryan & Caroline Luelf >>> https://www.lymphpurify.com/product/4626/

• RIFE MACHINE if anyone is interested in the one we purchased >>>
– The One We Purchased:
F-117 Hyper drive
Qx2 Double Bubble and Stand
GRS Scanner
– For ION baths:
Soft ground pillow
Thermal matrix heater
1 ion pro wave (but it’s not as powerful as a dedicated ion foot bath) BUT it does have a lot of programs so I can focus on the detox areas we want)

• WANT THE RECIPE BOOKS from Pure Food and Juice? There are over 50 recipes from my friend and world famous chef Cynthia Beavers. They are normally $35 for 1 and $50 for both. If money is an issue, not a problem! Please email me at ryan@purefoodandjuice.com if you want them. I want you to have them no matter what. All proceeds go to help my Father and I with continued treatments!

• T-SHIRTS FOR SALE: We have APROX 40 available in all sizes. Picture of front and back is on video, Volume 26 of Wisdom From The Recliner and also in comment section below ⤵️⏬⬇️ ~ all proceeds go to my Father and I with continued treatments. Please email me if you want some at >>> partnerwithyolo@gmail.com ~ they are $25 each or 2 for $40!

• FOLLOW ME on Facebook as I am maxed out on friends >>> www.facebook.com/doyouownyourlife
– Hit Follow, then “See First” as that gives everyone full access to like, comment & share all posts. My profile is public. Please communicate this with your friends!

• HAVE QUESTIONS FOR US ~ Learn to use the “search bar” on Facebook. Type in my name Ryan D. Luelf and any key word like:
– Fruit
– Protocol
– Wisdom From The Recliner
– Supplements
ETC. . . to find any and all posts I’ve shared on those subjects as I’ve pretty much journaled the entire journey in detail here on Facebook this last year!

ANYTHING I’ve forgotten just search for it ⤴️⬆️⏫

• PLEASE DONATE ~ will you be 1 of the 1000? YES, then go here >>> www.youcaring.com/FatherSonCancer
~ PayPal available also
~ Tax Deductible option as well
CONTACT ME for either of those as needed!

#Fruit4TheWin ?????????????

P. S. — The Professionally Edited Version of our event with over 3 hours of content will be available to all on October 1st, 2016 on my website >>> www.healwithryan.com
Ryan D. Luelf
M ~ 918.851.7696
E ~ partnerwithyolo@gmail.com

Diagnosed w/ Stage 4 Cancer 10/2015
~ theyololifeblog.wordpress.com