Home Cancer Ancient China Yam: A Treatment For Asthma And Diabetes

Ancient China Yam: A Treatment For Asthma And Diabetes



The Nagaimo yam (Dioscorea opposite/Chinese Shan Yao)

The Nagaimo is sometimes referred to as “mountain medicine” and is used for medical purporses in Chinese medicine. It helps to reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, regulate digestion and relieve fatigue as it acts as a tonic for general vitality. Since the nagaimo contains high levels of amylase and other digestive enzymes, it can help to digest starchy foods, such as rice eaten with it.

Numerous research studies and publications have highlighted the various health benefits of the nagaimo, as it has been used in a variety of Asian medicinal disciplines for centuries. This versatile yam has been used to treat a wide range of disorders and infirmities affecting the spleen, lungs, stomach, and kidneys. Some common ailments that the nagaimo yam is used to treat include:

  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea/Loose stool
  • Asthma
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry cough or bronchial irritation
  • Frequent urination

Top 8 China yam health benefits

1) Strengthening the spleen and stomach to aid digestion. Fresh yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase, and other matters, which make it a perfect medicine and food to help digestion and absorption. It helps regardless of it is spleen-yang or stomach-yin deficiency. Therefore, clinically it treats deficient spleen-stomach, loss of appetite, body fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.
2) Nourishing kidney and enriching essence. It contains a variety of nutrients, which can make body stronger, nourish kidney, increase sperm count, and improve sperm quality. So, it is widely used for impotence, nocturnal emission, abnormal vaginal discharge, frequent urination, and more.
3) Benefiting lung to stop cough. It contains saponins and mucilage, which have a lubricating and moisturizing effect. Hence, it benefits lung qi, enriches lung yin, and treat chronic cough due to lung deficiency and phlegm.
4) Lowering blood sugar. Fresh yam contains mucus protein that can lower blood sugar. Therefore, it can be used in the treatment of diabetes or a good diabetic diet.
5) Promoting longevity. Raw yam contains a lot of mucus protein, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively stop the precipitation of lipids in the blood vessel wall and thereby prevent cardiovascular. In other words, it tranquilizes the mind, promotes intelligence, and prolongs life;
6) Preventing hepatic coma. Recent studies have found that it is with sedative effect and can be used to prevent hepatic coma;
7) Soothing mood and regulating sleep. Unlike ginseng, the medicinal properties of Chinese yams are quite mild and slow. And it can soothe mood and adjust sleep while regulating the function of spleen.
8) Tonifying deficiency. Zhang Zhongjing, one of the best Chinese physicians in TCM history, was very good at using this herb. In his medical book Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer), it is used to cure qi-blood deficiency, stomach pain, arthralgia, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other symptoms.

And here is a breakdown of various nutrients found in Nagaimo:


  • Helps body absorb calcium and thereby aids in formation of bones and teeth and helps prevent osteoporosis.
  • Aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure.
  • Helps maintain proper muscle function.


  • Helps strengthen immune system and improve white blood cell count.
  • Aids in regulating hormones.
  • Necessary for the function of many enzymes in the body.

Vitamin C

  • Supports the body’s immunity.
  • Helps protect against cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, and eye disease.

Vitamin B1

  • Helps the body process carbohydrates and some protein.


  • Antioxidant characteristics that may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.


  • Promotes the absorption of protein.
  • Helps relieve fatigue.
  • Helps revitalize the body.


  • Helps excrete salt.
  • Helps prevent high blood pressure.
  • Helps maintain the acid/alkaline balance of the body.
  • Helps reduce puffiness.


  • Promotes digestion.
  • Helps prevent the development of gastric ulcers and gastritis.

Dietary Fiber

  • Helps prevent skin troubles.
  • Helps regulate the digestive system.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Another important nutrient found in this health-friendly yam is glutamine, which aids in the prevention of muscular breakdown and improves the metabolism of protein. So not only does this power-packed yam serve as a great complement to any Asian-themed dish, but it also provides a litany of health benefits that make it a great addition to your culinary lineup.

Cooking with Naigamo:

When you peel and boil it, it tastes and looks 100% like potatoes, but even better than that, it is lighter and easier to digest, because it has a completely different chemical and nutrient make-up.

The nagaimo yam has gained significant popularity as a healthy side dish to add to any Asian-themed meal. Just touching and looking at nagaimo, you will notice that it has a lot of mucilage – slimy residue. The good news is this is a perfect prebiotic for the body. Asian cuisine loves this vegetable and is aware of its therapeutic properties.

Caution: the peel carries some skin irritating  chemicals, make sure you wrap in a towel or paper towel while peeling  them, or even better, wear some clinical gloves to avoid getting a rash. Do not touch any other body parts after touching the vegetable. If you get a skin irritation, rinse the affected area with fresh water, wipe, and apply a moisturizing cream.

Also:  It contains estrogen and over consumption may over-stimulate the hormone and cause endometrial hyperplasia, menstrual disorder, prolonged menstrual period, menstrual pain, and so on.

Spice-coated toasted crunchy Nagaimo 

Peel and then chop the naigamo into medium size cubes
Boil in 2 cups of water; do not cook thoroughly only half way so that the nagaimo does not become mushy.
In a pan, add 1 teaspoon of ghee, garcinia masala -based on your need.
Add 1/8 teaspoon of soma salt, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric.
Sautee these spices altogether for a few minutes.
Add the 2 cups of nagaimo cooked half way and sauté with spices. You can add 3-4 curry leaves and 1 green chili.
Stir and cook for ten minutes.
Make sure it is thoroughly cooked so that spices are well absorbed.  After cooking garnish with finely chopped cilantro leaf and enjoy!

Mashed potato substitute 

Peel and boil nagaimo in 2 cups of water. Boil until it is very soft and mushy.
Then in a pan sauté in 1 teaspoon of ghee, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of Garcinia Masala, ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon of any nuts of choice (like pine nuts, shredded almonds, bits of cashews} toast all together.
Optional ingredients: Add 4 curry leaves and/or green chilies. Toast altogether and add your boiled Nagaimo.
Mash it well with all spices and stir. Toast everything again together for a few minutes.
Add ½ lime juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil and Soma Salt to taste.

Nagaimo in a spicy sauce 

Peel and cut medium sized cubes of nagaimo.
In 8 oz. of water boil nagaimo half way cooked.
Sauté 1 tablespoon of ghee, 2 crushed green cardamoms and 2 crushed black cardamoms, ¼ of crushed cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon of garcinia masala of your choice, ¼ of turmeric, ¼ teaspoon of soma salt
After sautéing spices for a few minutes add the half boiled nagaimo.  Stir and toast everything together.  Toast nicely so it is cooked well.

Add 8 oz of water to the pan. Cover and cook for ten minutes. This is a nice juicy recipe for nagaimo.

The overall feeling, after eating nagaimo, is that it is very nurturing even though light, and it readily creates bliss with nourishment. A lot of on-line Japanese recipes are recommending we eat it raw. But because of its high content of mucilage, nagaimo will be heavy to digest for certain people in certain situation.  That is why it is best to cook it with Garcinia Masala because this spice blends makes it easier to digest, easy to absorb, and more palatable and flavorful.