Home Diet and Fitness Are You Getting Enough Zinc? Possibly Not… Here’s How To Get What...

Are You Getting Enough Zinc? Possibly Not… Here’s How To Get What You NEED

Are You Getting Enough Zinc? Possibly Not... These Foods Are FULL of It

Zinc is absolutely essential for improving your health and keeping it at a high level, the reason for this is all the vital roles it plays in the body, like promoting enzyme activity, antioxidizing the body and even manufacturing T-cells that give the entire immune system an enormous boost. The bad thing is, is that it’s estimated that around 12% of the entire US population is deficient in zinc, as well as 40% of the elderly population having a zinc shortage in their body. It’s because of this that you should really, really, really try to get more zinc in your diet, it’s such a valuable mineral and too many people are taking it for granted and therefore becoming deficient in it. But never fear, for today we have a list of great foods that are filled with lots of zinc, read on to find out what they are and exactly how they can help you.

3 Foods That Are Filled To The Brim With Zinc (And Why You Should Be Eating Them)

Oysters – Just as a rule of thumb, animal products usually contain a bit more zinc on average then plant-based foods and oysters are certainly not an exception to this rule, seeing as they have on of they highest amounts of zinc in any food at all.. While the exact amount of zinc can vary, based on the quality of the oyster, you can expect that a 3 ounce serving of oysters will give you more than enough of your recommended daily zinc intake (500% in fact)

I would like to point out that, while zinc is an excellent source of zinc, it also contains way more zinc than what is needed for a person is not deficient in the mineral and should be used to correct a deficiency, not as a health food to be consumed all the time.

Wheatgrass – Wheatgrass is comprised of long thin green blades of grass and is extremely healthy, not just for it’s zinc, but for all of it’s other health benefits… Wheatgrass is actually the current title holder for the highest concentration of zinc in any and all plant foods, beating all the other by a good-sized margin. It can be made into juice, which is usually the recommended way to consume it and within that single shot of juice there is a whopping 62 milligrams of zinc, as well tons of manganese, Vitamin E and chlorophyll. Also, did I mention that consuming just a single, little, tiny shot of that wheatgrass is the very equivalent of eating an entire one kilogram of garden vegetables? Yup, now that’s amazing.

Meats such as Beef and lamb – Zinc can be found in pretty much every animal meat product and beef and lamb are certainly no exception to that, in fact they usually contain a fair amount more zinc than most other animal meat products, with beef containing at least 80 percent of your recommended daily intake of zinc and lamb containing around 40-50% on average. No matter which one you pick, you’ll be getting plenty of zinc and your body will thank you for it.