Home Bailey Bailey O’Brien Healed Stage 4 Melanoma At CHIPSA In 6 Weeks After...

Bailey O’Brien Healed Stage 4 Melanoma At CHIPSA In 6 Weeks After Chemo Failed

Bailey O'Brien
Bailey O'Brien: Cancer Survivor Thriver

On the way back to school after Thanksgiving, freshman diver Bailey O’Brien noticed a change in a mole on her right temple. The next weekend she went home to Putnam Valley, N.Y., and had the mole removed. It wasn’t until after finals that O’Brien’s parents told her the results of the biopsy.

“They said I should sit down,” She recalls. “My dad said, ‘I think you know why.’ I said, ‘No, what’s going on?’ Then he told me the results were positive for cancer.”

A subsequent examination revealed worse: O’Brien had stage III melanoma. The skin around her right temple was removed, along with 45 lymph nodes around her neck. Through it all, she continued to dive with the BU team, setting personal records year after year. Just before entering her senior year, and two years after her first bout with melanoma, O’Brien’s doctors found a tumor behind her jaw. Then they found another behind her earlobe. It was removed, but after two months of recovery and a month of radiation treatment, another tumor appeared under her chin.

“I came back to Boston ready to go to Hawaii with my teammates for a training trip,” she says. “I had developed a bump under my chin that I was concerned about. When my doctor biopsied it, I discovered that I had seven tumors in total.”

In January 2011, O’Brien was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma—“end-stage” as she describes it—with very little hope for survival.

“I just shut down,” she says. “I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t qualify for the clinical trials that were most promising, which my doctor wanted me to be in—so I began the quest for a cure that I wasn’t sure existed.”

Desperate for answers, O’Brien’s mother and a family friend discovered CHIPSA: An alternative cancer therapy center in Tijuana, Mexico, CHIPSA has established a 60 percent five-year success rate with melanoma patients. With financial help from her family and friends, O’Brien flew to Mexico and entered the three-week program. In addition to a regimen of natural and alternative vaccines, O’Brien started a modified form of the Gerson diet, which requires completely organic and unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables, no added sodium, no red meat, and no refined sugars or grains.

By February, O’Brien thought the tumor in her chin appeared to be shrinking. She returned to the United States in March 2011 and continued with her treatment at home for the next month. “I knew that it was a possibility that while the tumor under my chin had gone away, the others could be the same size or even growing,” she says. In late March, two days before her 21st birthday, O’Brien went to her doctor for another PET scan. All of the tumors had disappeared.

“That,” she says, “was the most amazing moment of my life.”

“I believe that the diet that I’m on, although it’s really strict, can heal a lot of people,” she says. “And I hope that by sharing my story and giving some nutritional advice, I lead some people down the right path of good health.”

5 Years Cancer Free

Bailey O’Brien is Cancer-free five years after her she was told she would be dead in 6 months, the former high school athlete is active in her church, volunteers her time at local elementary schools, and is planning to embark on a career as a certified health coach. Thanks to her family, friends and CHIPSA, she is cured and the cancer is utterly banished from her beautiful body… Without a doubt, If you or a loved one has ANY TYPE of cancer, your road to health goes through CHIPSA, the amount of people they are helping is amazing…


  • I am a stage 4 melanoma survivor as well.. my last recurrence was in 2015. It was in my lung, pancreas, neck and chest. I did a clinical trial it was immunotherapy.. I was so sick, in and out of the hospital so many times. All of my organs almost shut down. I was in the ICU. It was rough. Now looking back all my suffering was worth it because I am in remission, and able to be a mother to my children. A year after being Cancer free I got pregnant and now have a healthy 21 month old boy. God is amazing