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Better Than Pills? Flush Out Toxins in Your Liver With THESE 5 Foods

Cleanse Your Liver With These Foods

You have no idea how much your liver actually does for you on a daily basis. It keeps the body healthy clean in so many different ways, this includes converting nutrients into stuff that our body can use, burning unwanted fat, storing vital minerals and vitamins, producing enzymes and protein and even squashing out toxins and poisons that are in the body. It’s something that does so much for the body, but it’s also extremely prone to becoming diseased, making it even more important to take good care of it, there’s already so many toxic things in our everyday life like pesticides, pollution and cosmetic body-care products, you might as well make the effort to keep your liver healthy, it’s for your own good.

First of all, the less work you can make for your body and liver, the better, stuff like cleaner air, cleaner food and less stress can be big factors in cleaning up your liver and therefore letting your liver clean up you.

But of course, it comes back to food, it’s one of the most basic things to do, yet still one of the most vital. So, without further ado, ladies and gentleman, I give to you, the top 5B list of foods that can help immensely in supporting and cleaning up your liver.


1. Leafy Greens

Besides the many benefits to the rest of the body, leafy greens have tons and tons of nutrients that not only increase bile flow in the liver but also help cleanse it from bad things like heavy metals and pesticides. In case you were wondering what some of these leafy greens include, we recommend spinach, kale, arugula, bok choy, and pretty much all others that you can find.

2. Garlic

Because of it’s high sulfur content, it activates the enzymes in the liver that work at eliminating toxins in the liver, Plus, it also contains Selenium and allicin, which we’ve talked about briefly before. The reason for this is because they do an incredible job at relieving and protecting the liver from toxin damage.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables

Now this is a big one, seeing that cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cauliflower improve the levels of something called clucosinolate, which has some incredible abilities when it comes to completely flushing out nasty stuff like carcinogens and other unwanted waste materials. Your mom was right about a lot of things, and broccoli is one of them.

4. Avocado

Avocados are super-duper-yum-yum-delicious food when it comes to foods that help out the body so much, especially if we’re talking about repairing the liver. There have actually been studies done that show eating just 1, maybe 2, avocados each week for about a month can have tremendous health benefits those of which include shielding your liver from toxin overload, boosting the overall efficiency of the liver’s “cleanup crew” and improving overall health and function in the body.

5. Turmeric

If you’ve been here before, or if you know anything about healthy, you probably know how amazing turmeric is, it protects the liver from toxins, improves the overall flow and efficiency, and regenerate damaged cell, making it an all-around powerhouse that is extremely beneficial to your liver.