Home Cancer Breakthrough Immunotherapy Drug – The End Of Cancer?

Breakthrough Immunotherapy Drug – The End Of Cancer?

Breakthrough Immunotherapy Drug - The End Of Cancer?

Breakthrough Immunotherapy Drug - The End Of Cancer?A breakthrough Immunotherapy drug has emerged in the cancer world, a medicine so powerful, it generates it’s power from the immune system A new drug that harnesses the power of the immune system and instead of draining it, it actually can make the immune system dramatically stronger and increase the lifespan of the advanced head and neck cancer patients.

In patients whose cancers have returned and gotten worse after doing chemotherapy, scientists recently conducted a study that proved the immunotherapy drug called nivolumab (which goes normally by it’s brand name Opdivo) actually doubles the chance of survival for at least a year after and also led to a 30-percent reduction in the chance of death. The disease usually causes fatalaties just six months after it recurs in patients.

“Nivolumab fulfills an incredible unmet need in the clinic,” said Ohio State University professor Dr. Maura Gillison at a press conference at the AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) annual conference in New Orleans. “(This) is an absolutely devastating disease (whose) patients have unbelievable functional problems with things we all take for granted — speech, chewing, communicating, breathing. This is the first time in my career I’ve had an agent to reach for in this population.” And although there are hospitals worldwide that are looking at new angles for treatments, one cancer center truly stands out from the rest. Centro Hospitalario Internacional del Pacifico S.A. In Tijuana, also known as CHIPSA, They’re really thinking outside the box, really striving towards the end of cancer and pushing away how things have “always been done,” instead they are bringing new innovative ideas and old therapies that have been long forgotten, they have saved many lives from cancer and will save many more…

If you or a loved one has recieved the horrifying diagnosis of cancer, any type of cancer, then you need CHIPSA. It’s that simple, there’s no better, safer or more effective way to fight it…

But Who The Heck Are They And What The Heck Do They Have?

CHIPSA Hospital is the most prestigious Gerson Therapy Center. They specialize in cancer and immunological treatments that have been proven to work but are next to impossible to get in the US.

What They Do…

Immunotherapy: CHIPSA practices “Holistic comprehensive immunotherapy” and is capable of reversing chronic degenerative diseases like: Lymphoma Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Hodgkin’s Disease, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Diabetes, Candida, Lupus, Asthma, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Paget’s Disease, Hepatitis, Allergies, Sjoegren’s Syn., Heart Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Grave’s Disease, Thyroid Disease, Hypertension, and other degenerative diseases

Coley’s Therapy: Invented in the late 19th century by a cancer surgeon by the name of William Coley, the fluid contains bacteria and toxins that actually infect the body and cause a fever, which then stimulates the immune system to fight malicious tumors. Along the principle of making the body a less comfortable enviroment for the cancer.

Gerson Therapy: The Gerson ‘cancer’ Therapy is a set of medical treatments which has cured innumerable cases of terminal cancer. When you get down to basics, it is a low-sodium organic diet that regenerates the body’s healing process by giving a helping-hand to the immune system and taking away any deficiencies in the body’s nutrients.

This is the future of fighting cancer, we must learn all we can and then make the best decision for us and our family.

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