Home Diet and Fitness Do NOT Eat These! 4 COMMON Foods That Can Destroy Your Brain

Do NOT Eat These! 4 COMMON Foods That Can Destroy Your Brain


You’d be nothing without your brain, no really, there literally would be nothing left except the empty shell of your body. It does everything for you, commands everything in your body, anytime you move, think, breathe or do anything at all, it’s being powered by your brain. So many people take this for granted, and YOU shouldn’t… There are so many ways to take care of your brain, and yet there are even more ways to damage it.

The foods below are unfortunately things that so many people consume on a daily basis, in turn harming their brain over and over again.

Here are 4 terrible foods that you absolutely must avoid in order to keep your brain at full health. It’s your choice, choose your brain.

  • Sugar Rich Foods

So many people eat an insane amount of sugar everyday, doing this on a long term basis can lead to a bundle of neurological baddies. Those of which include dulling your memory, hinder the learning of new things and others… Sugar-rich foods to stay away from include pre-baked stuff, corn syrup, processed foods, candy and table sugar. Seriously, all that sweet stuff really takes a toll on your brain.

  • Alcohol

Besides all of the other health endangerments that most people are already aware of when it comes to alcohol, it especially becomes a serious health hazard to your brain when consumed. When you drink alcohol, even if you aren’t getting drunk (and even more so if you are) it interferes with your brain, tripping it out and making it think and perceive all wrong, this can really, really mess up your mental state, even once your completely sober. Besides common liquors such as beer, wine, whiskey, bourbon, vodka, rum, tequila and hard liquor drinks, things like treats with liquor in them can also hurt your brain.

  • Processed Junk Foods

These are some of the worst ones on this list, processed junk food causes chaos in your brain. The way it does this is by switching around all your brain’s chemistry, some of the most common side effects to eating them include both depression and anxiety, also, there are so many junk foods with trans fats in them, which can stimulate and trigger mental disorders in people. And last, but certainly, absolutely, 100%, definitely not least is the fact that it interferes with the brain’s production of dopamine, a valuable chemical that’s responsible for you feeling good and happy. Overall, processed junk foods, and trans fats in general are definitely things to stay far, far, FAR away from. Heed this warning, please.

  • Fried Foods

Fried foods, slowly and gently destroy nerve cells in the brain, this causes everything those nerves do (which is a lot) to go at least slightly haywire over, leading to poor brain function, lesser coordination, slower thinking, etc, etc, etc… The reason that fried foods are so bad for you is because of the oils in them, these oils are super-duper bad for your brain because they increase the risk of you developing Alzheimer’s disease, and has also shown to interfere greatly with the the blood-brain barrier, a barrier that is responsibly for many, many things in your brain, including getting glucose (your brain’s main source of energy) up there.