Home Weight Loss Surgery Do You Know The 3 Leading Reasons For Weight Loss Surgery?

Do You Know The 3 Leading Reasons For Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight Loss Surgery

If you ever feel overwhelmed about all the weight loss surgery “information” out there you are not alone. It’s easy to be swayed by the latest medical report or scientific finding tell you why need treat your obesity, but will it work ?

Weight Loss SurgeryTo get a better fix on what makes weight loss surgery so effective, let’s look at what is is supposed to do in the first place.

Breaking it down to the basics, there are three reasons why you need weight loss surgery – eliminate hypertension, stop or reduce diabetes, live longer . A study published in the 2004 American Journal of Medicine, hypertension was eliminated in 61.7 percent of weight-loss surgery patients and significantly improved in 78.5 percent of patients. This is why reducing weight is so crucial. It clears your arteries so that your blood can flow without interruption.

Now for reason number 2 — diabetes. They call diabetes the “silent killer” because many people have no clue that they have diabetes! Diabetes can do irreversible damage to your your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.The result? Diabetes can cause stroke, heart attack, or coma. Because being obese is the #1 factor for diabetes, studies have shown that that 82 percent of patients who had weight-loss surgery reversed their diabetes in less than two years, and 62 percent remained diabetes free two years following surgery.

Finally, longevity. Doctors have concluded that obesity can reduce a person’s life expectancy by up to 20 years. Not to mention the quality of life that is had while being obese is not good. Weight-loss surgery for severely obese patients has been proven as the fastest way to increase life span and avoid a lifetime of trouble.

Make no mistake. There are many places that offer weight loss surgery if you qualify, but in the United States you can expect to up to $25,000 out of pocket for this life changing procedure. Which is why many americans choose have this procedure done in Tijuana, Mexico for a fraction of the cost.

CHIPSA Hospital Bariatrics treats your weight loss surgery procedure with the attention is deserves: Pre-Operatory tests and evaluation; to see if you qualify and which procedure is right for you; Airport Transportation and Pickup to San Diego Airport; Complimentary Room and Board; Nutritionists to help with after care and keep you on track; By hitting all these factors for weight loss surgery where it counts, you will have the best opportunity to finally live the happy and healthy life you deserve..

Is CHIPSA Hospital right for you? You’ll only know once you give them a call. Don’t worry there is no charge to speak with one of their doctors. It just may be the most important phone call you’ll ever make.

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