Home Diet and Fitness Don’t Throw It Out! 6 Seeds From Your Food You SHOULD Be...

Don’t Throw It Out! 6 Seeds From Your Food You SHOULD Be Eating



Papaya seeds

These black seeds are often sour and spicy in taste and help detox both the heart and the kidneys improving the overall health in the body, plus it even prevents constipation.

Papaya seeds, besides just that, can get rid of stomach aches an

Tomato seeds

We’ve touched on this before, but lycopene is really good for you, and tomatoes have lots of it…

It fights prostate cancer, high blood pressure, and even improves the overall flow of the blood through your body…

And, like the papaya seeds, they can get rid of and relieve constipation…

Paprika seeds

When shopping for spices, make sure to check out paprika with the seeds.  The seeds are a good source of vitamins A, C and K. These vitamins help fight aging and they work to improve blood circulation. As stated before, vitamin C is also important to the body’s immune system.

Watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds are another overlooked seed… Seeing how much they’re spit out…

Make sure you are eating the seeds when you consume this melon, or buy them separately, dried. They are a great source of protein, magnesium and vitamin B.  Vitamin B is essential for converting food into energy to support all bodily functions.  It is also aids the nervous system, digestive system and promotes skin health. Magnesium can help you sleep better, stave off headaches and even helps your body recover faster after a workout.

Pomegranate seeds

You can buy dried pomegranate seeds to snack on. They have a sweet taste that will also enhance baked goods if you toss them in your batter.  Pomegranate seeds are rich in fiber, so snacking on them will help keep you full and aid your digestion. They are also packed with vitamins C and K.

Vitamin C helps boost your system function, speed wound healing, promote healthy gums and this amazing vitamin can improve your skin, as it helps your body manufacture of collagen and elastin. Vitamin K helps the blood clot, and it helps you maintain strong bones.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, iron and zinc and they taste great.  They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can lower your cholesterol and improve your digestion.  Sprinkle on salads or simply snack on them between meals.