Home Cancer FOOD: The Greatest Cancer Cure Yet?

FOOD: The Greatest Cancer Cure Yet?

Food As A Cancer Treatment/Cure

Food As A Cancer Treatment/CureWhen you get the cancer diagnosis, you’ll probably get a treatments list of possible cures from the doctor. Also, you’ll probably long talks with your friends and family on which one to choose…
Here’s how to do decide…
It’s easy to just give control of your life to the doctor until you’re cured, but since your cancer is taking place now, that’s not such a great idea… The time to act is now. It’s your body annd your life… Ask the experts questions, find out all you can, but keep moving forward…
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery deplete your entire body and even your will to live… Talk to anyone who’s been through it and they’ll tell you the same, it causes turmoil in the body.
But what you don’t know is that your diet is one of the simplest yet most essential parts of your health and well-being to control in your body…
Food For Fighting Cancer
You body needs the correct nutrients in it’s diet in order to jump-start the healing process and effectiveness of the standard cancer treatments.
Now, while most doctors turn away from superfoods as partial treatments for cancer (since it’s not what’s “always been done”) They might even mock your questions on possibly using food as a medicine, saying that whole and fresh foods might have the chance of damaging your cancer situation.
Some foods contain antioxidants that are extremely powerful in fighting cancerous cells. They kill radical or unbalanced volumes in your system, slowing down and sometimes even halting cellular damaging molecules. Cancer comes from mutated or damaged cells, the correct diet counteracts that!
In the 1970s, studies were begun to find out if the patient consumed foods with high amounts of powerful antioxidants during their cancer therapy recovered better and more effectively… It was proven once again that antioxidants don’t actually interfere with the effectiveness of the drug therapy. But in most cases, these cancer-fighting foods will regenerate the drugs’ power and pruduce far better results for the patient!
Later studies have found that cancer patients that maintain healthier diets after being treated had the highest chance of surviving. And although the ACS (American Cancer Society) collaberated in these discoveries, they still mask the utterly great importance of eating the correct diet.
Obviously, choosing a healthy diet is a good idea for everyone. It is especially critical for cancer patients. If chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery are part of your treatment protocol, your body will be fighting the disease as well as the results of the treatment.
Your body needs all the help it can get! Patients will feel proactive in their own case, try new foods and recipes, and give their bodies a little something extra during their treatment. One of the biggest issues after cancer therapy is that your immune system is ravaged. It can take years to rebuild it and for some, it may never return to pre-cancer strength.
Food is such a simple addition. It does help protect you from many of the side effects and might protect some of your cells from destruction by chemo or radiation. Here at The Truth About Cancer, we talk a lot about using food to ease symptoms, protect your healthy cells, and even give your body antibodies to prevent cancer in the first place.
Five Cancer-Fighting Foods
Fatty Fish
Fish oils contain long chain omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are a potent anti-inflammatory and protect the body from negative hormones produced during treatment that inflame and irritate. Oily fish like mackerel, wild salmon, tuna, sardines, and herring also contain vitamins A and D – known to be forceful fighters in the battle against cancer.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds contain selenium, a strong anti-cancer compound. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are packed with zinc and vitamin E. The vitamin E provides your immune system with a huge boost and zinc aids in the absorption of vitamin C.
Red and Yellow Peppers
Red and yellow peppers are packed with vitamin C. This influential antioxidant strengthens your immune system and neutralizes toxins. Peppers contain even more vitamin C than is commonly found in oranges. They also contain carotenoids that convert to vitamin A. Other sources of these are carrots, sweet potatoes, and dried apricots.
Chinese medicine has used medicinal mushrooms for hundreds of years as blood purifiers, immune system balancers, and to aid in the performance of internal organs. Shiitake, Miatake, Portobello and even button mushrooms all contain natural medicines. They’ve been shown to reduce some of the worst side effects of treatment such as hair loss and nausea. They boost immunity, increase survival rates, and studies reported that they shrank certain cancerous tumors by as much as 70%.
Purple Foods
No one talks about purple foods and we should! Purple eggplant, dark purple grapes, beets, blueberries, plums, and cherries all contain massive amounts of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have been proven in countless studies to kill cancer cells. Other benefits include supporting internal organs and boosting immunity. Recent studies show anthocyanins compounds are easily absorbed by the body and immediately begin defending the body against diseases that result from poor diet and negative lifestyle habits.
Although it may seem hard from the outset to maintain a healthy diet, it is crucial for your health and the way that you feel… The best diet for cancer is the Gerson Therapy/Diet. It involves zero drugs and is extremely rejuvenating to the body, warding off malignant cancer cells and helping the weakened immune system… Now, their are some hospitals that do gerson therapy, but since it’s not available in the US, good Gerson Therapy is hard to find… BUT, their’s one cancer center stands out from the rest. Centro Hospitalario Internacional del Pacifico S.A. In Tijuana, known as CHIPSA, They’re really thinking outside the box, really striving towards the end of cancer and pushing away how things have “always been done,” instead they are bringing new innovative ideas and old therapies that have been long forgotten, they have saved many lives from cancer and will save many more…
If you or a loved one has received the horrifying diagnosis of cancer, any type of cancer, then you need CHIPSA. It’s that simple, there’s no better, safer or more effective way to fight it…
But Who The Heck Are They And What The Heck Do They Have?
CHIPSA Hospital is the most prestigious Gerson Therapy Center. They specialize in cancer and immunological treatments that have been proven to work but are next to impossible to get in the US.
What They Do…
Immunotherapy: CHIPSA practices “Holistic comprehensive immunotherapy” and is capable of reversing chronic degenerative diseases like: Lymphoma Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Hodgkin’s Disease, Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Diabetes, Candida, Lupus, Asthma, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Paget’s Disease, Hepatitis, Allergies, Sjoegren’s Syn., Heart Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Grave’s Disease, Thyroid Disease, Hypertension, and other degenerative diseases
Coley’s Therapy: Invented in the late 19th century by a cancer surgeon by the name of William Coley, the fluid contains bacteria and toxins that actually infect the body and cause a fever, which then stimulates the immune system to fight malicious tumors. Along the principle of making the body a less comfortable enviroment for the cancer.
Gerson Therapy: The Gerson ‘cancer’ Therapy is a set of medical treatments which has cured innumerable cases of terminal cancer. When you get down to basics, it is a low-sodium organic diet that regenerates the body’s healing process by giving a helping-hand to the immune system and taking away any deficiencies in the body’s nutrients.
This is the future of fighting cancer, we must learn all we can and then make the best decision for us and our family. Chemotherapy is unreliable and many a time does more harm than good. CHIPSA is the answer.