Home Cancer Herbs For Asthma: These 10 Help Fight

Herbs For Asthma: These 10 Help Fight

Herbs For Asthma: These 10 Help Fight

1. HARIDRA (Curcuma longa) – Haridra which is commonly also known as haldi and turmeric. It is quite effective in the treatment of asthma.Haridra is very effective herb to manage the bronchial congestion. This herb contains a phytochemical compound which helps to elevate the levels of antibody IgG and reduces hypersensitivity.

Consuming one teaspoon of honey with half tea spoon of haldi daily has been proven very effective in bronchial congestion. Application of a paste of haridra with ghee and black pepper  on chest and throat is also good for bronchial irritation.

2. NEEM (Azadirachta indica) – Neem has great medicinal importance. All the plant parts like leaves, flowers, roots, seeds are used to cure various ailments. It helps to provide the relief in the chest congestion, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. Neem is an effective asthma natural remedy.

3.Anantmool (Tylophora asthmatica) – Anantmool is known to be very effective herb for  asthma. It helps to increase the efficacy of lungs for oxygen intake and also provides the relief in the shortness of breath. It has been found that chewing the leaves of this herb daily helps to pacify the symptoms associated with asthma.

4.Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)–Shunthi which is commonly known as ginger, has great  medicinal importance for the treatment of asthma. By boiling, one teaspoon of grinded ginger in one cup of water is beneficial to treat asthma and clears the airways. Ginger is packed with the phytochemical compounds like Zingerones, shogaols, and gingerols have the antioxidant properties. These properties are good for the treatment of asthma.

5. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) – Tulsi is very effective natural remedy for asthma. This herb helps to resolve the respiratory disorders. It helps to provide relief in the symptoms associated with asthma like chest congestion and narrowing of air ways.

6. Vasaka ( Adhatoda vasica)-This herb is very effective  in the severe cases of asthma. It supports the good bronchial functions and also increases the intake of oxygen for proper functioning of lungs.

7.Jufa ( Hyssopus officinalis)–This herbs is packed with  anti inflammatory properties which help to  improve the functions of lung tissues. This herb is found to be very effective against respiratory complications like bronchitis, phlegm, and lungs problems.

8. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)–Ginkgo has the great importance to treat asthma. This herb is quite effective in the treatment of asthmatic attacks caused by the allergens. It is also used in the reduction of hypersensitivity problems associated with asthma. Anti inflammatory and antihistamine properties of this plant are very useful for treating asthma.

9.Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)–mulethi is very good  natural remedy for asthma. It helps to clear the air channels and provides relief in the asthmatic attacks. Mulethi helps to reduce the inflammation and also enhances antigen stimulation of lung cells.

10. Lasuna (Allium sativum)–Lasuna which is commonly known as garlic.  It   has anti-inflammatory properties which provides relief in symptoms associated with asthma like shortness of breath, congestion in lungs, wheezing and coughing. Lasuna supports the good health of immune system and also packed with antimicrobial activities. It has been found that consumption of its raw clove everyday helps to improve the immunity which helps to reduce the chances of asthma. Thus it is an effective asthma natural remedy.