Home Diet and Fitness Here’s Why You Need To Start Drinking Coconut Water

Here’s Why You Need To Start Drinking Coconut Water

4 Amazing Foods, ALL Of Them Increase Longevity and Make YOU Healthier

Here's Why You Need To Start Drinking Coconut Water

Coconut water is a delicious, very healthy drink that has become more and more well known in recent years thanks to it’s great number of health benefits, some of which include having low-fat content, lot’s of electrolytes and zero cholesterol. Today we’ll be counting down our top picks for the amazing health benefits that coconut water has and how they can help you… Please not that we recommend young coconuts (usually white or green) and not the old, hard brown ones, the reason for this being because the old ones have less meat, if any at all, less coconut water and are often rotten and/or bad-smelling on the inside.

Now, without further ado, I give to you, the incredible list of just a few of coconut water’s coolest health benefits… I hope you enjoy it.

  • Reduces blood pressure

According to multiple studies done on this particular matter, coconut water actually helps reduce the risk of developing heart conditions, having heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems that pose a great threat to everyone… It does all of this by lowering one’s high blood pressure. The question is, how does coconut water do this? Well, I’ll tell you, it has a very unique nutritional content, seeing as it’s filled with tons of Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, electrolytes and other valuable nutrients, plenty of which fight high blood pressure, but all of which have a positive effect on your body.

  • Aids Weight Loss

As we said before, coconut water is very low in many less-than-favorable things for the body, seeing as  it’s cholesterol free, 99% fat-free, very low in carbs and, considering the amount of energy it can give you, it’s very low in calories, with a single cup of it containing, on average, only 46 calories. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, whether your on a diet, a vigorous workout routine or any other weight loss effort, you should look into drinking more coconut water along with it… Another plus it has for reducing that extra bit of belly fat is the fact that it’s chock-full of fiber, which stems your appetite, making you feel full with less food for longer periods of time. It’s much easier to resist that delicious, pink-glazed donut in the store, if you’re not even hungry at all in the first place.

  • Fights the complications of diabetes

Diabetes can be hard to live with, no matter what though, it’ll never be easy to have to live with it… Coconut water helps out people with diabetes because it has so many nutrients that help with fighting the disease, helping to widen the blood vessels in the body so that blood flows smoother and easier throughout your system… Plus, it contains things like antioxidants, minerals and also Omega 3 fatty acids, which are very useful when it comes to giving your body a helping hand, seeing as it fights things like rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, asthma and even ADHD. I don;t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty good deal to me.