Home Cancer Here’s Why You Should Be Consuming Raw, Natural, Cacao Regularly

Here’s Why You Should Be Consuming Raw, Natural, Cacao Regularly


Skinned Cacao beans, when chopped, become a delicious and healthy food known as cacao nibs. A truly crunchy superfood, these nibs are also a form of chocolate chips. In fact, they can be used as a substitute for chocolate chips.

Cacao nibs are the least processed form of cocoa and so lack in sugar. However in spite of distinct bitter taste, the nibs find many uses. You can add them to smoothies, couple them in your baking, and use them to top a dessert or just simply snack on them.

Let’s check on a few amazing benefits that you can derive from unprocessed cacao.

Unprocessed free cacao is loaded with antioxidants…

Fresh cacao has an abundance of antioxidants; even more, amounts than found in the blueberry fruit. Moreover, the natural antioxidants found in such cacao are as powerful as those found in either red wine or green tea. They are potent enough to absorb the dangerous molecules from the atmosphere which can result in many diseases in humans.

Raw and unrefined cacao has an astounding iron content…

For vegans, plus anyone else seeking plant-based iron, they can rest assured. Nature has put in their hands a blessing in the form of fresh garden cacao. Iron content found in this raw form of cacao is much higher compared to other edible iron resources.

Cacao’s full of Fiber…

The fiber in your diet helps to stabilize your blood pressure and your blood glucose levels too. Fiber ensures a steady bowel movement and also aids in lowering cholesterol. One ounce serving of cacao nibs will provide ample amounts of fiber, and this is simply excellent!

Raw and untreated cacao can prevent untimely aging…

If you want to stay looking young, you should add cacao nibs into your diet. The polyphenol constituents found in raw cacao are of high quality. They help your body cells from needless early aging, and you look youthful.

Fresh organic cacao acts as an aphrodisiac… 😉

A magical compound called PEA or phenethylamine is found in fresh garden cacao. This aids in promoting the release of endorphins which are mood-elevating hormones. (Endorphins are released naturally when you are in love or during sensual activity). Besides cacao, the other PEA source on this earth is the blue-green algae. So now you know why chocolates are co-related to Valentine’s Day!