Home Cancer Stories Historic CHIPSA Hospital Shows Long Term Results in 23 Patients Who Were...

Historic CHIPSA Hospital Shows Long Term Results in 23 Patients Who Were Given No Hope


Conventional medicine considers stage 4 cancer a death sentence. When cancer patients are diagnosed too late, doctors can’t offer them much hope. According to the latest U.S. SEER governmental data, the combined 5-year survival rate for the top 10 cancers other than Leukemia, Thyroid, Lymphoma and Testicular cancers, is only 13.4%.

But don’t tell that to the 23 cancer survivors who were highlighted at CHIPSA Hospital’s survivor reunion and scientific forum in Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, CA this past September. The event was called “A Celebration of Life,” as it presented the cases of 23 terminal cancer patients, all of whom were given a death sentence. 18 of those 23 patients have been alive for over 12 years after their diagnosis dates.

What do these cancer patients have in common? They were all treated with alternative methods after being told their was no hope. CHIPSA Hospital is an alternative cancer-treatment center overlooking the beautiful Playas de Tijuana in Mexico.

CHIPSA focuses on figuring out ways for cancer patients to use their own immune systems to fight their disease. They use treatments like Gerson therapy and ozone therapy, and they focus on strict, whole-food based nutrition regimens. Their staff includes 23 integrative MDs 2 naturopathic doctors, and 2 surgeons. They are currently working on a cutting-edge cryotherapy suite that will “freeze” tumors, and many of their treatments have now received FDA phase 1 clearance.

Hospitals like CHIPSA have only recently begun to be acknowledged by the public, as immunotherapy is increasingly used and recognized in traditional medicine. In fact, Dr. James P. Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo were recently awarded with the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, giving merit to research that turned into treatments used by many of the survivors at this event. Those survivors believed in treatments like these long before they were celebrated by the rest of the world.

John Haggard, for instance, went to CHIPSA all the way back in 1978. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma with tumors in his brain. He came alongside his mother, who had lung cancer. His mother lived to be 90. And John just celebrated his 84th birthday.  

Leslie Bocoski was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer in 1985 and given less than a year to live. 33 years later she is still here to tell her inspiring story of how she used Gerson Therapy to fight her cancer and beat the odds.

Joyce Forsythe was diagnosed 14 years ago with mantle cell lymphoma, a cancer that still has no known cure according to the American Cancer Society. Joyce considers herself cured after 14 years!

Ann Fonfa came to CHIPSA in 1995, and is now celebrating 25 years of being cancer free. She started the Annie Appleseed Foundation, and she now travels the world advocating for better patient options for those diagnosed with cancer.

The survivors at this event weren’t supposed to be alive. And had they relied on conventional medicine alone, they might not be. It isn’t always easy to choose treatments that go against the grain, but these patients took a chance. Alternative medicine has seen a lot of criticism throughout its early years. But conventional doctors are now seeing the power of treatments like immunotherapy, and they’ve even begun incorporating those treatments in the U.S.

While the hospital’s CEO, Ed Clay, is optimistic about the public recognition of immunotherapy, he also expresses frustration that it’s taken this long for people to realize its merits. “We’ve been using non-traditional methods long before the world really understood the mechanisms of action,” he says. “Back when everyone would call us ‘quacks.’ Many of the ideas that prompted people to label our doctors ‘quacks’ are now becoming mainstream. Our doctors just don’t like to wait to be told it’s ‘okay’ to save someone’s life.”

Much was done to celebrate the past accomplishments of researchers, doctors, and of course, the cancer survivors themselves. But the focus at the 3-day event and gala was not only on the past. The scientific forum drew attention to the future as well, and on what researchers are continuing to do to make cancer cures a reality. The key to those cures seems to lie within the immune system. As Clay said, “When the immune system is responsible for killing cancer, especially the adaptive immune system, you can get real cures. And that’s what the world is looking for. Not 3-month life extensions from chemotherapy treatment. We want cures.”

It isn’t always easy to choose treatments that go against the grain, especially when others are telling you not to, but these cancer patients are thankful that they did. And that’s why Clay and his team hope to eradicate the negativity that surrounds alternative cancer treatments.

“Our goal since taking over CHIPSA,” he said, “has been to build bridges with the scientific community. There’s too much fighting out there. We should be finding ways to work together instead of fighting over who is right. No one, at least not that I know of, can cure every single patient. So until that happens, we need to be on the same team.”

For more information on CHIPSA Hospital and the treatments they offer, please visit them here: https://chipsahospital.org/

  • Maybe one day there will be a cure for cancer.It has taken so many lives and so many of my loved ones…….

  • I used both in my locality,,that is alternative therapies and allopathic. If I’d has a choice,,I would have done the alternative therapies but, like So Many common folks, we can’t afford oitmof pocket expenses of alternative therapies. Alternative therapies are wonderful and I trust them completely..but can’t afford them. If our health care systems would,acceptmalternstive therapies as legitimate as manynforeing countries do,,and would pay for most of the expense as theyndo in allopathic therapies,,there’d be a Whole Lot More people,choosing alternative therapies. And that may be the problem for the government agencies and certainly for the pharmaceutical companies. But the dummies…they could also manufacture the substances need for alternative therapies too..!! And They probably could get the government of this country to subsidize them too….

  • I have thought that this has been the answer for cancer. I had ovarian cancer. They took a 4#51/2 oz. Tumor out of my stomach. It has been 8 years ago. I was told that I was one lucky woman. Believe me, I thank everyone who helped me and of course the blessings of God. In our county, I was told that we are the highest county for cancer. Mind you we have around 125,000 people. The odds of you getting cancer here is extremely high. We have the highest county for seed corn. Does that explain it? They even crop dust so we also breathe it in. I thank your hospital for what you are doing without using the dreaded chemo and radiation. Keep doing what you’re doing. Cancer is definately an epidemic now. We have so many clinics, doctors, nurses and others that what would happen if there was a cure. I’m sorry but cancer is a big money maker. Where would all tgese people go for jobs and how much would it effect the big pharmaceutical companys. I guess I have said enough. Till next time.

    • I fully agree Linda. My son had stage 4 melanoma and he passed away 3 months after diagnosis. He was a wonderful person and had his son the day before he got the results of the biopsy. We would’ve gone to the ends of the earth to find something to help him. I’m so glad there is a place that at least offers hope.

      • I believe in the alternative method. Tomorrow will be the funeral of my dear friend who died of cancer & I believe it was really the kemo & radiation treatments that took her life. Something BIG PHARMA would ever admit.

  • I fully agree Linda. My son had stage 4 melanoma and he passed away 3 months after diagnosis. He was a wonderful person and had his son the day before he got the results of the biopsy. We would’ve gone to the ends of the earth to find something to help him. I’m so glad there is a place that at least offers hope.

  • Does anyone know what is the average cost to go to a hospital in Mexico and receive the alternative the treatment? Are there funding available?

  • Or at least stilled and held at bay! I’ve survived going on year 10… stage 1 breast triple negative disease that metasisized to lung and liver, plus two years later confirmed stage 4 colorectal cancer! After single masectomy, a surgical lung procedure, strong chemotherapy regiments, and radiation therapy,-‘my disease is stable!
    Thanks be to Moffitt, prayers, and support!

  • My sister in law went through this. It seemed to have helped but she returned to the states and now her cancer is back stage 4.aube works for some but not all.

  • My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell neuroendocrine cervical cancer. It has since spread to her liver, lymph nodes, bones. The convetional Chemotherapy and radiation aren’t stopping the cancer from spreading. Is there anything that you can do for her and is there any kind of funding to help her?

    • Hi Rhoda sorry about you sister Have you herd of immunocal reaserch it and if you any questions inbox me its Glutathione 🌹

  • Keep oñ researching what you are doing. Sounds great alernative for cancer treatment. Too bad there is no guarentees for long life, but many have lived long time after this treatment. Thats good results.