Immunology: What Makes A Successful Cancer Immunotherapy?

The two sides to successful cancer immunotherapy are Unique features of the cancer that engender artificially driving cancer-specific immunity (cytotoxic CD8 T cells for...

Can Antibiotic Treatment Possibly Just Make Things Worse For The Body?

Immunity… it’s something immeasurably sacred that probably all of us, to some degree, take for granted because we’re blessed with it from birth. And...

A Public Service Cancer Announcement From Ryan D. Luelf: PLEASE READ...

This Is A Public Service Announcement From Ryan D. Luelf PLEASE READ & SHARE so EVERYONE is aware of these changes going forward as we...

Should A Cancer Patient Avoid All Types Of Intimate Activity?

Should A Cancer Patient Avoid All Types Of Intimate Activity? Well, in general the answer is no, that there is no risk to others either...

Are You At Risk? How Leukemia Starts in The Body…

Leukemia develops when DNA damage occurs in white blood cells, the cells that fight pathogens and protect the body from infection. Leukemia is associated with...

Zinc Deficiency: 2 Billion People With Increased Risk Of Cancer Because...

Zinc is a mineral required by the body to support immune function and assist in various cellular activities. Unfortunately, an estimated 25% of the...

Can These 6 Nutrients Skyrocket Your Bodily Health?

1. Zinc. Zinc stimulates the immune system by increasing the effectiveness of T-cells. Only 15-25 mg per day is recommended (an excess of zinc can...

Vitamin D: Is It A Possible Cancer-Crusher?

Members of the holistic health community have been talking about the connection between vitamin D and cancer prevention and survival for a long time. And this...

Eating African Dishes May Help Greatly Lower Risk Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. And rates of colon cancer are much higher in Western countries...

Is Diet Soda No Pain, ALL GAIN? Is It Really Bad...

Sweet taste without the calories sounds like a perfect example of no pain, all gain but unfortunately cumulative data suggests otherwise. A poster child...