Many Psoriasis Patients Turn to Alternative Medicine

A recent survey performed at the George Washington School of Medicine showed that patients with psoriasis will often turn to alternative therapies if they...

Holistic Methods May Reduce Diabetes-Related Deaths

A new report out of the United Kingdom says that a holistic care program delivered mostly by nurses can result in shorter stays at...

Study Shows Common Virus Killing Bladder Cancer Cells

A new study has recently produced some unique results about killing cancer. The study suggests that a strain of the common cold virus can...

Integrative Approach Allows Cancer to Self-Destruct

The fight against cancer is long and difficult, but scientists are always making small improvements. Just recently, another fight has been won by scientists...

Gut Microbiome Composition Could Be Connected to Fibromyalgia

Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut." Lately, that statement has  been more popular than ever as doctors remind patients to protect...

Glyphosate for Breakfast: Studies Find Roundup in Cheerios Cereal

Do you know what you're actually eating for breakfast? According to a new study, your heart-healthy, low-cholesterol bowl of Cheerios might contain something you'd never...

IBM’s AI Can Predict Breast Cancer Patients Years Before it Develops

The United States has a high number of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. About one in ten women will get...

Will Immunotherapy Research Find Ways to Boost Cancer-Fighting T-Cells?

A research team at Cardiff University in Wales is conducting new and important immunotherapy research. They are attempting to determine more ways that a...

Studies Show Roundup Can Cause More Than Just Cancer

Roundup is a weed-killing herbicide sold by Bayer AG and its subsidiary Monsanto. The chemical has recently been linked to cancer development in people...

Merck Pharmaceuticals Seeks to Discredit Dissenting Doctors

Merck, one of the biggest producers of pharmaceuticals in the world, recently created a “hit list” of doctors who have criticized one of their...