Can Apatone Change the Way We Fight Cancer?

Although it sometimes feels like we are fighting a losing battle against cancer, researchers are constantly developing innovative ways to treat the disease. Emerging...

Is CBD Oil Helpful or Harmful?

There's been a lot of hype lately about CBD, or cannabidiol, oil. You might see it advertised in your local health food stores, spas,...

Woman Goes to Mexico to Beat Her Stage-4 Cancer

Amanda D. never thought she'd go to Mexico for medical treatment, but now she can't imagine where she'd be if she hadn't gone. The mother,...

Is it Safe to Travel to Mexico for Cancer Treatment?

As cancer research continues to explode, scientists are coming up with new and innovative ways to treat the debilitating disease. Unfortunately, many of those...

Immunotherapy Treatment Receives FDA’s Accelerated Approval for Aggressive Breast Cancer

An immunotherapy treatment often used to treat urinary and lung cancers has now been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to...

Illinois Fashion Designer Uses Gerson Method to Treat Aggressive Cancer

Amy Johnson of Highland, Illinois thought she was the picture of health. Her friends and family even called her the "healthiest person they knew."...

Study Confirms the Importance of Nutrition with Immunotherapy Treatment

Immunotherapy has proven to be an effective treatment against several cancers, especially melanoma. Drugs targeting PD-1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4 are the first to ever be...

How Sleep Affects the Immune System

Getting more – and better quality – sleep makes you feel good and gives you more energy throughout the day. But it does more...

Disease Begins in the Gut: Best Ways to Support the Human...

Bacteria. Most people associate the word with negative outcomes like viruses and infections. But many don't realize that we actually need certain kinds of...

Why Use the Immune System to Fight Cancer?

Last year alone, 9.6 million people died from cancer. Studies show that number increasing by nearly 20% in the next two decades. Although we still...