Home Cancer Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Mother Chooses Gerson Therapy To Treat Her Cancer

Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Mother Chooses Gerson Therapy To Treat Her Cancer

Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Mom Chose Gerson Therapy To Treat Her Cancer
  • Mum-of-one Fio Aguila was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in May
  • Ms Aguila initially underwent surgery but has cancelled all chemo
  • The former chef will undergo Gerson Therapy in a bid to beat the disease
  • She aims to ‘heal’ her body using an ‘organic, plant-based diet’
  • Supporters of the therapy included ‘Wellness Warrior’ Jess Ainscough
  • Ms Ainscough, 30, passed away in February last year 

Now her and her husband, Jared are raising funds on Go Fund Me so that Ms Aguila can travel to Mexico to undertake Gerson Therapy – a natural therapy that activates the body’s ability to ‘heal itself through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.’

Fio says she woke up one day and found that one of her breasts felt heavier than the other. ‘It felt like I was breastfeeding,’ Ms Aguila said; ‘I thought it was related to my period.’

But only our days later, the feeling was still there and then she found a small lump, which she got checked out by a doctor. A mammogram and biopsy followed, and Ms Aguila was told she was suffering from ‘aggressive’ breast cancer.

‘At that time I was very ignorant of everything related to cancer and health. My father died from cancer more than 20 years ago,’ Ms Aguila revealed. ‘I never wanted to talk about it. I was blocking it from my mind this whole time.’

Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Mom Chose Gerson Therapy To Treat Her Cancer

Ms Aguila, who is a mother of a little girl, aged two, named Naia, said her first reaction to the discovery of her aggressive tumor was ‘let’s get this thing out of me’.

Two months ago she decided to undergo surgery to remove the cancerous tumor – which was larger than they expected – but said her feelings about what treatment was right for her changed.

‘I was recovering for a couple of weeks and they told me that even though they were awaiting results of tests on the tumour they heavily thought chemo was a must,’ she said. ‘But I was having a weird feeling about chemo. I felt sick every time they were talking about it.

‘It was not fear,’ she went on. ‘It was the whole idea of feeling it did not feel right for me.’

‘That’s when they told me again. “It’s 100 per cent necessary that you have chemo and radiotherapy”,’ Ms Aguila says. ‘I was crying. I was devastated.’

But then Ms Aguila said she was then given a list of the many possible side effects of the treatment; chemo, instead of being convinced to proceed, it was the ‘total opposite’.

‘They started to tell me about the possible side effects,’ she said. ‘Infertility, premature menopause, hair loss, sensitivity to infection… I thought, “am I the only person in this room that thinks that this is not right?”

‘My partner and I were talking and I said “I feel this is wrong”. He said, “are you crazy?”‘

Fio was then told that without the chemotherapy, there was in fact a 50% chance of the cancer returning but that didn’t change things for her. Although she agreed to book in her recommended chemotherapy sessions, she left her appointment that day deeply unsure if she would proceed.

‘They were shocked,’ she admitted. ‘But I’m aware. I know what’s happening with my body and I’m just not sure this is the right decision.’

Stage 3 Breast Cancer: Mom Chose Gerson Therapy To Treat Her Cancer

Following the news, she took some time away to relax and think things through. After returning home, Ms Aguila started researching cancer and discovered some alternative treatment options, including information about the Gerson Therapy.

The therapy is said to offer a whole-body approach to healing and reactivate the body’s ability to heal itself – with no damaging side effects.

Having done further research, Ms Aguila went to a scheduled hospital appointment in early July where she told her doctor she was not going to have chemo.

‘I finally told her I’m not going to do this and it was like my whole body was vibrating, I was a ball of happiness.

‘This is not a decision I’m taking because I want to close my eyes. My eyes are more open than ever before.’

Just days later, Ms Aguila decided cancelled every one of her chemotherapy appointments and began an extreme overhaul of her life. She became vegan, banning every and all animal products from her daily life and then started doing daily juice cleanses.

And now, she’s drinking two litres of organic juice every single day – which includes carrot, beetroot, ginger, kale and celery juice – But she’s also cleansing her liver with two coffee enemas (part of the Gerson Therapy, though not as bad as it seems) and is supplementing her diet with turmeric and aloe vera. She also exercises up to five times a week and is a practicing yoga.

She is raising funds in a bid to travel to Mexico for therapy at the end of September.

‘I’m feeling really great at the moment,’ she said. ‘A lot of people won’t agree or support what I’m doing but everyone needs to be confident and take a decision on what they think is right for them.

‘If you’re in the middle of a treatment you don’t believe in, nothing is going to save you.’

Please donate to Fio’s Go Fund Me campaign here