Home Diet and Fitness STOP What You’re Doing Right Now and Start Eating These 3 Foods

STOP What You’re Doing Right Now and Start Eating These 3 Foods


One of the most important things in anyone’s life, maybe the MOST important thing in everyone’s life, is getting enough of the correct foods… If you eat a lot of something that’s not healthy for you, not only do you become full and therefore to eat any healthy food, but you also give your body all the negative effects from that food you ate. On top of all that, you could have replaced that bad food with some amazingly healthy food. Food that would give you and your body many, many benefits that you wouldn’t have even gotten otherwise.

So, today what we’ve done is we’ve taken a list that’s full of just a few of the best foods to consume on a daily basis to lose weigh, feel great and make your life just an overall better experience all-around, for you and everyone around you. We hope you enjoy.

1. Organic Lemons

Lemons are super alkalizing (a very healthy thing) and are also a natural detoxifier. Because they’re a fairly common grocery store food, they can be extremely easy to incorporate into your everyday life. Lemons are super refreshing, full of antioxidants and usually give you an immediate boost of energy right after you eat them.

It’s usually a good (great) idea to start your day, as well as end it, with a nice glass of refreshing, scrumptious lemon water, first what you do is fill a small to medium-sized glass with warm water, then squeeze your lemon into it until the juice makes the water almost entirely cloudy. This amazing drink boosts your energy in the morning, yet also calms you down at night, while also detoxing your entire body the whole time.

2. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

You’ve all heard this before, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” well, that silly little childhood rhyme actually has quite a bit of merit to it when you actually sit down and think about it, apples are considered very healthy and have been considered healthy for quite a long time for a good reason. They contain tons of nutrients, including pectin, as well as lots of different vitamins, fiber and minerals.

3. Vegetable Broth (Any kind, literally ANY kind at all)

Vegetable broth (or stock, whichever you prefer) is insanely health, chock-full of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and nutrients that are super-duper valuable to a healthy body.

Not only that, but it’s ridiculously easy to make, just chop up some veggies, any veggies you want, throw them all into a pot of boiling water, then let the water simmer down a bit and make the vegetables soft, once they’re soft you can take the veggies out by staring the broth  through a colander of some sort and WHAM! You’ve got vegetable broth, serve it with rice, meats, or by itself for a savory little beverage to warm up when you get cold.

Oh, also, the vegetable stock will taste a million times better if you add some spices and herbs to it while it’s simmering, just a tip. 🙂