Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Tag: gerson therapy

HOPE: The Miracle Cancer Treatment?

https://youtu.be/xnlE0pzOUAs Dr. Francisco Contreras: The power of life and death is in the tongue. If you pronounce somebody dead, they see the doctor as an authority...

Webster Kehr The Cancer Tutor: “I Have Absolutely No Fear Of...

https://youtu.be/EFviytGG1p8 Ty Bollinger: Webster, let me ask you a question. Let’s say you went to the doctor and he diagnosed you with pancreatic cancer. What would...

5 Biggest Nutrition Tips For ANY Cancer Patient

https://youtu.be/EmuFPcxsyJc Ty Bollinger: I can see from the place that you live that you understand the impact of nutrition. Talk about the impact of nutrition...

THIS Vaccine’s Possible Side Effects Include CANCER!

https://youtu.be/Lp5-RsNjVnU Ty Bollinger: Well, you know, look at the HPV vaccine. On the package insert it says it may cause other kinds of cancers. Dr. Sherri...

Kill Cancer By Growing A Garden?

https://youtu.be/8jplnlNDBQY Ty Bollinger: I’ve heard you say that health is like growing a garden. Why do you compare those two? Dr. Patrick Quillin: Not everybody in...

Preventing Cancer? Don’t Eat Fungi

Ty Bollinger: You’ve talked about the importance of the environment for cancer cells to be able to revert back into normal cells. So what is an optimal...

Strengthen Or Die? Is The Immune System Vital For Beating Cancer

https://youtu.be/m1ivCrhnVJQ Ty Bollinger: Dr. Forsythe, the immune system. You talked about—you’ve got the Forsythe Immune Protocol. Can we stress the importance of the immune system...

Fluoride: Like Acid To Teeth And Bones

Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Fluoride toxicity causes the bones to dissolve. It actually causes the teeth to dissolve, believe it or not. Ty Bollinger: But isn’t fluoride...

Eating, Not Treating: Foods That Battle Cancer

Ty Bollinger: What are the most important foods in your opinion that have medicinal value that can help to prevent disease, cancer? Dr. Bradford Weeks:...

Prescribing Women With Breast Cancer A Known Carcinogen?

https://youtu.be/yeXnvRfmSAw Ty Bollinger: We’ve talked about breast cancer and mammograms. Tamoxifen, that’s a known carcinogen. Dr. Ben Johnson: Absolutely, it is a known carcinogen. Women should...

