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3 Terrible Habits That Are Sapping Your Energy and How To Stop Doing them

These 3 Terrible Habits Are Sapping Your Energy: How To Stop Them

These 3 Terrible Habits Are Sapping Your Energy: How To Stop Them

We could use a bit more energy at times, usually it’s only every once in a while or only while taking part in a specific activity that we notice, but sometimes it happens all the time, constantly running out of breath, feeling weak and tired, etc… Now, you could drink some coffee, which has different effects and side effects for different people, it’s an absolute myth that coffee makes everyone feel perky and alert for even the slightest amount of time. In fact, it’s shown to make a number of people actually feel more sleepy and tired than they were before, not cool. So, what does one use?

There’s plenty of energy drinks out there that only sometimes work, plus they have so many nasty ingredients that usually just end up doing way more than good, you could take a brisk walk around the block, although that’s never worked for me and I’m sure there are plenty of people reading this who could say the very same thing. Last, but not least, is that you could COMPLETELY eliminate several known energy-sapping habits from your everyday life and have a good chance of regaining all that extra energy that you once had. Sound good? Well it’s just around the corner for you, look just a bit lower on that screen of your and you’ll find all you want to know.

1. Don’t Eat So Many Carbos

Carbohydrates seem to be the culprit for so many health problems nowadays and yes, while it does have some merit for some things, it still is going to be the antagonist in this particular part of the list. Keep in mind though, fruit cunts as carbs, so while they’re very healthy in other ways, some of them, especially the high-carb ones, can be very damaging to your energy at times. Why? Because eating too many carbohydrates often leads to blood sugar crashes, which, while plummeting your blood sugar, also plummets your energy levels straight into the floor.

2. You Might Not Be Eating Often Enough

Plenty of people skip meals, plenty of of them skip meals every single day. Skipping them or even just delaying them for long periods of time can lead to a whole assortment of problems, including unhealthy metabolism and messing with your energy levels. Usually you want to be eating around every 3-4 hours, eating a total of three normal-sized meals each and every day, while also including 2 healthy snacks for in between the hours that your not eating.

3. Food Allergies

SO, so, so many people are sensitive to things like dairy or gluten and don’t even know it. The easy way to fix this is to take a list of common allergens (make sure only to include the ones that you’ve been eating recently) and then go for maybe a week or so without them, one allergen, one week at a time. It’s usually a good idea to start with dairy and gluten, seeing how common they both are. Note that blood tests can also be very helpful at times for this kind of thing, as well as that you should keep in mind that many allergies, to food, substances or environment often develop over time, so if you didn’t have it 10 years ago, there’s still a chance that you have it now.