Home Diet and Fitness You’re Probably Deficient in At Least ONE Of These Two Vitamins

You’re Probably Deficient in At Least ONE Of These Two Vitamins


We all at least try to get out fair share of healthy nutrients, vitamins and other healthy things. But even though most of us give that extra effort to stay healthy and give our body what it needs, we still end up having deficiencies in our diet and lifestyle, this causes your body to function at a lower level than it could, leading to you getting sick more often, not feeling as good and many other less-than-pleasurable, yet easily avoidable things.

So, today we’re gonna be looking at two super-healthy substances that you, your loved ones and possibly most of the people you know, just might be deficient in, let’s get started shall we?


First off we have a little thing called iodine, when you think of iodine, do you think of… Well… I don’t what you think of when you think of iodine, but I do know what it’s most commonly used for, table salt… Even though it’s found in this extremely common, yet somewhat toxic substance, it’s still is a very common deficiency that can be easily remedied just by eating the correct foods on a regular basis.

If you’re someone who’d like to get rid of this deficiency and get more of this valuable nutrient, but also doesn’t want to just start eating a ton of table salt, then we recommend this…

Start eating more fish, crustaceans, shellfish and really any seafood at all, but check how much iodine it has in it before you eat it and then choose the seafood that contains the most. Something we do recommend is to stay away from frying these foods, because it tends to get rid of lots of extra vitamins, nutrients and health benefits. Instead, try grilling, boiling, broiling or steaming them, this will allow for it to keep all of it’s nutritious benefits, as well as getting rid of all the nasty frying oils.


We all have known about magnesium for a while, plenty of us know about how beneficial it is our health, but what we don’t all know is that we’re probably deficient in it, in fact, according to certain studies, as many as 80 percent of all americans are deficient in this vital nutrient. It’s honestly astounding, just how beneficial it is, yet just how common severe deficiencies are, without a doubt, it’s something that you need to remedy in your own body, as well as encourage others around you to do the same.

Ever wondered what happens if you become deficient in magnesium? The grave consequences include a higher likelihood of developing metabolic syndromes, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. Not only that but, people who don’t get enough magnesium were way more likely to develop bad things such as insulin resistance, migraines, constipation, cramping, hypertension and even restless leg syndrome.

Magnesium is often found in the soil, so if you’re looking to get some more of it into your diet… Eat some dirt… Just kidding 🙂 But you should definitely look to eat more plant-based foods, seeing as they grow in the soil and therefore absorb nutrients such as magnesium.