Home Diet and Fitness You Need To Start Eating More Brussels Sprouts: Here’s Why

You Need To Start Eating More Brussels Sprouts: Here’s Why

You Need To Start Eating More Brussels Sprouts: Here's Why

Brussels sprouts, these little, round, green vegetables are perhaps one of the most despised vegetables in America, taste-wise, that is. Seriously, if you ever look at any of the studies done to find out what food/veggies that people like least, brussels sprouts are always hovering somewhere near the top.

Now, personally, I think that this is because I’ve never once seen anyone in the US prepare them correctly, but that’s beside the point. Brussels sprouts are super healthy and should be being eaten way more often, as well as prepared better. One of the many things that brussels sprouts can do for you include fighting cancer, here’s why.

You see, cancer, for many years, has been one of the top leading causes of death in America, second only to the massive threat that is heart disease. Cancer is extremely deadly, there is no guaranteed cure and the mainstream, “approved” methods of treating it (such as chemotherapy and radiation) are extremely dangerous and risky, with a low success rate and ridiculously high costs, chemotherapy is quite the gamble to take if you DO end up developing some form of cancer.

Now, personally, I would seek help outside the states because of how much better the options are out there (both cost-wise and how effective/successful the treatments are) However, if you want to make your priority be NOT getting cancer, brussels sprouts (as well as other cruciferous foods such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower) are perfect for you.

Seriously, plenty of research has been done on these foods and the results show lot’s of evidence to support the claim that they can fight against, as well as prevent cancer. Even after all this though, brussels sprouts are still often overlooked as just another disgusting vegetable. We’re here to change that.

So, besides fight cancer like a beast, what else can it do? Well, I’ll tell you… Brussels sprouts are one of those things that are deserving of the name, “nutritional power house,” here’s why.

Brussels sprouts can’t get by with just their charm and good looks, mainly because they contain none of either of those things, so they back it up with incredible nutritional values, they have tons of Vitamin K, huge amounts of Vitamin C, not to mention an entire spectrum of minerals to choose from.

Just so you know, along with those other minerals, they include manganese and potassium.

As if all that wasn’t enough already, it even has tons of healthy protein, which come in the form of fiber and choline, once you throw them in there, you get a super awesome, super amazing, power/nutrition-packed vegetable that kicks every parasite, virus and toxin’s butt. All that, and you’re still only eating a measly 56 calories per serving, now that’s incredible.

Last, but most definitely nowhere near least, brussels sprouts (along with all other cruciferous vegetables) contain these little sulphur-based compounds known as glucosinolates, which, amazingly have been shown to prevent cancer, as well as fight against it, if it does so happen to be in the body. This is according to several studies done on the subject.