Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Francis Fitzgerald

Francis Fitzgerald


Gut Health and Life Longevity: Could There Be a Link?

There is new evidence showing that good gut health can lead to a longer life.   As shown in a study, fruit flies display an increase...

Vitamin D Found to Lower Risk of Certain Cancers

According to a recent study, it has been discovered that high levels of vitamin D can decrease the occurrence of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is...

Rapid Autopsies Can Help to Shine Light on Terminal Cancers

What is a rapid autopsy? A rapid autopsy is an immediate postmortem examination with the intent of observing the individuals tumors and/or tissue before...

Nearly Half of All U.S. Cancer Deaths May Be Preventable

Around half of all cancer deaths in the U.S. are associated with poor diet, cigarette smoking, and other bad health behaviors, a study reveals. According...

Riskiest Common Food Additives Recently Revealed by AAP

An American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement calls for urgently necessary reforms to the U.S. food additives regulatory process. Growing evidence suggests that...

Three-Decade Long Study Strengthens Connection Between Stress & Autoimmune Disease

A huge study spanning 30 years that analyzed a cohort of over one million individuals determined a strong affiliation among people suffering from stress...

Everything You Need to Know About Coffee Enemas

Being a coffee connoisseur doesn’t end in just knowing different coffee facts, but if one is willing to try non-traditional way of utilizing coffee...

Risks of Cell Phone Use

When you think about the dangers of cell phones, texting while driving immediately comes to mind – a quick cause-and-effect with often-gruesome evidence in...

First Full Male Genital Transplant a Success

The world’s first total transplant of a penis and scrotum was successfully carried out by a team of US doctors. The surgery process involves...

