Home Diet and Fitness Cuppa Joe! 5 Foods You Need To Start Putting in Your Coffee

Cuppa Joe! 5 Foods You Need To Start Putting in Your Coffee


Yay, coffee! A LOT of people have it first thing in the morning, a lot of people also have multiple cups, whether it’s in the morning or spread across your day to keep you going. But coffee, although it’s arguable that it has any benefits besides the kick it gives you in the morning, can actually be improved greatly health-wise and taste-wise, just by putting some extra stuff in it.

Some of these foods improve the texture of the coffee, some of them improve the taste, some even improve both at the same time, but one thing’s for sure, they ALL improve the healthfulness of your coffee.

Grass-fed Butter

This is an idea that’s been being pushed hard on the internet for years, and for good reason, grass-fed butter, although it seems odd, actually has a ton of health benefits, plus it dissolves really well into the coffee. And if you’re worried about the taste, worry no more, because it tastes great, plus the mouthfeel that the butter gives the coffee is insane… Now onto the health benefits, Omega-3 fatty acids are quite prevalent in grass-fed butter and they help out the body in more ways than one, plus it contains a ton of natural antioxidants, giving you a super-mega-huge boost to your day.

Coconut Oil

For those who are lactose-intolerant, and for those who aren’t, coconut oil is an amazing option, and arguably one of the best ones on this list, it doesn’t change the taste of your coffee by much, plenty of times it doesn’t change it all, it has lots of anti-inflammatory properties, reduces cholesterol levels, increases energy and relieves body pain. Really, you should try it out, it makes for a really nice mug of coffee.


Those who like chai, will LOVE this. Besides cardamom adding that delicious spiced flavor to your coffee, it also adds vital things like electrolytes, Vitamin C, iron and fiber. All of this, plus it’s been used to treat cancer, depression, and also people with problems in their digestive system. The reason for this is because of all valuable nutrients and vitamins found in it, and it’s a shock that you don’t see it more often.


Ceylon cinnamon, a certain variety of cinnamon, is often found either online or in your local grocery store. Not only does it add the warm, delicious, familiar taste of cinnamon to your coffee, but it also improves your blood pressure, blood sugar, digestion and even helps you lose weight. All this and more are reasons to start putting it in your cuppa joe.

Cacao Powder

LOL… This had to be on here, anyone who’s had a mocha knows that coffee and chocolate goes awesome together, whether it’s one of many coffee drinks, a cake, a cookie, ice cream, whatever. Besides the fact that it tastes great, it contains great stuff like antioxidants and antimicrobial/antispasmodic compounds that decrease the likelihood of cancer in your body, and greatly improves your overall cardiovascular function. If your still hesitant to try it, just try and remember… IT’S CHOCOLATE, YUM!