Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Tag: Immunotherapy

Is Diet Soda No Pain, ALL GAIN? Is It Really Bad...

Sweet taste without the calories sounds like a perfect example of no pain, all gain but unfortunately cumulative data suggests otherwise. A poster child...

Crazy New Data Reveals Possibly Astonishing Facts On Immunotherapy

Can Immunotherapy Be Made Effective Against Solid Tumors? Most anti-solid tumor immunotherapy approaches tried thus far only prolonged life for a few months at disproportionately...

5 Old Nutrition Myths: Debunked!

The long standing advice to avoid saturated fats and eat more carbs is wrong.Remember the food pyramid from the 1970s? They instructed Americans to...

Nexgenia: Is A Natural Immunotherapy Super Drug Possibly In The Works?

Immunotherapy — It uses a body’s own immune system to fight cancer — and also just happens to be one of the hottest topics in the...

80-Year-Old Grandmother Is Fighting Cancer With Immunotherapy

When diagnosed with cancer in her lung, 80-year-old Donna Ripley doubted she would live through the treatment... Much less be alive to tell the...

Immunotherapy: Can It Live Up To The Anti-Cancer Hype?

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NEWS) - Cancer specialists have discovered a new way to activate the body's immune system. Immunotherapy may finally be the...

Are These The Best Cancer Treatments? Ty Bollinger: One of the things, Dr. Contreras, that you mentioned was laughter and music. It’s so ironic… the reason I’m able to interview...

Webster Kehr The Cancer Tutor: “I Have Absolutely No Fear Of... Ty Bollinger: Webster, let me ask you a question. Let’s say you went to the doctor and he diagnosed you with pancreatic cancer. What would...

THIS Method Of Killing Cancer Stem Cells: FOOLPROOF?? Ty Bollinger: Okay. You mentioned stem cells. Dr. Bradford Weeks: Right. For the past seven years – I am one of four doctors now that...

Preventing Cancer? Don’t Eat Fungi

Ty Bollinger: You’ve talked about the importance of the environment for cancer cells to be able to revert back into normal cells. So what is an optimal...

