Home Diet and Fitness Why Eggs Are One Of The Greatest Superfoods in The World

Why Eggs Are One Of The Greatest Superfoods in The World

Eggs: Are They Super-Healthy Or Is It A Super-Heart-Disease-Causer

Eggs… The perfect breakfast food, they go great with anything, meat, greens, cheese, bread, etc… But they’re also super-healthy, and they definitely should be thought of as superfoods more often. The reason they’re so good for you besides the fact that they give your body a boost no matter what conditions you may struggle with, they also contain extremely valuable nutrients such as iron, selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B5. But best of all they have something called choline, a vital nutrient that gives your brain a huge boost, not only that, but studies have shown that around 90% of ALL americans are deficient in it.

To Expand On What We Said Before

Like we said, they have tons and tons of vitamins that your body loves to have, here’s a more in-depth look at some of them and how much exactly are included in eggs.

– Vitamin A, which is awesome for improving your vision and also important for the cell growth.
– Vitamin B12, which is essential for producing red blood cells
– Vitamin E, which can help fight off the free radicals that may cause cellular damage, to prevent cancer
– Vitamin B2, which helps your body getting energy from breaking down food

They’ve Got Tons Of Awesomesauce Minerals

Also something we touched on before, eggs have lots of iron, zinc and selenium. Now they all have their purpose, so let’s dive into exactly what they do for you. First up, selenium, a super-cool nutrient that protects your body from cell damage and also stops your insides from getting clogged up with gunk. Second on the list is iron, which aids your system in producing more energy, valuable for everyone, but vital for those with busy, strenuous days. Last, but most certainly not least is zinc, which helps with upkeep in your immune system and also our digestive system, keeping it in tip-top shape. It even reduces stress levels, which is awesome on so many levels.

They Have Lots Of Good Protein

There’s protein and then there’s the high quality protein that you find in eggs, and you find a lot of it, a single egg can easily have 6 grams of super high-quality protein in it, eating enough protein is vital to your overall health and strength. Also, did we mention that ONE egg contains ALL 9 essential amino acids, that’s absolutely insane! It’s also absolutely amazing health-wise, seeing how much it helps out your body and system.

They Give Your Eyes Some Good Lovin’

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two valuable nutrients that help give, maintain and take care of your eyes and eyesight. They also contain super-duper awesome antioxidants that have enormous benefits to your eyesight and are just one more reason that eggs should be considered as a daily meal and as a superfood. Seriously, it’s time to wake up and smell they awesomeness of eggs.

They Can Act As Breast Cancer Fighters

Studies have shown that choline, something that’s very prevalent in eggs, actually reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by a great deal, in fact it reduces the risk by a total of 24%. Now that’s amazing.

  • […] We’ve talked about the amazing health benefits of eggs on multiple occasions, and for good reason… Unfortunately, cooked eggs are definitely not a good thing to take with you, nor are they a good thing to store in the fridge until you need them… But, have no fear, because hard-boiled eggs are the perfect solution to this predicament, combining the tons of awesome health benefits that eggs have, with the super-easy portability that something like nuts and seeds have. If you’d like to read more about eggs and how they can help you and your body, click over ==> HERE. […]