Home Diet and Fitness Why Music Improves Exercise Intensity

Why Music Improves Exercise Intensity


If you are engaging in physical activities, but can´t seem to reach the results, it might be time to add some music to your workout, especially if you want to start high-intensity interval training routines.

New research has found that for people who are just beginning HITT training, music appears to help to make the routine easier. HIIT can be very intense for first-timer, but reports claim that people who listen to music during the training have a more positive attitude towards exercise.

High intensity interval training is an exercise strategy that involves periods of very intensive exercise in combination with recovery period of less intense exercise.  One session of HIIT takes about 40 minutes, and it is proved to be very beneficial for weight loss and endurance training. Its technique is very distinct from exercises like jogging or weight lifting.

It as been long discussed how to get people to exercise more. Officials believe, that HIIT training can be a good option for those who lack time, because this training plan is very effective and doesn´t require much time. Still, for many people, especially for those who have just started exercising, HIIT can be very unpleasant. In some cases, people even lose interest to train because of the negative emotions.

The newest research has established that even 10 minutes of HIIT three times per week can have major health benefits. For those who are reluctant to start HIIT training, music can help to enjoy the process more. People who train with music are more likely to participate in training again.

Previous recommendations for healthy adults have been at least 150 minutes or moderate or 75 minutes of intense exercise per week. People who meet these recommended guidelines have a longer life span than their peers who don´t exercise. During the study, participants who exercised had a 31% lower mortality rate than those who didn´t, during a 14-year long study.

Researchers find that HIIT training can be a step towards people reaching the recommended weekly exercise goals. Starting to train with only 10 minutes three times a week, and using music to boost the mood, people are likely to start enjoying the benefits of active lifestyle. Researchers also believe that the current guidelines for necessary exercise could be different if using HIIT. Since this training plan is more effective than moderate aerobic training, it can require less time to reach the health benefits.